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Zeitgeist June 2012

by Eric TazelaarPublished: 28 June 2012Updated:

June 28, 2012

FBI Seizes NAMBLA List During Search (or NOT!)

" Man/boy membership roster in hands of federal agents"

One word in reply to this story: BULLSHIT! Don't they wish? See our response to this nonsense here.

Anton Mussert, leader of the Dutch Nazi

Anton Mussert, Leader of the Dutch Nazis

Dutch paedophile club banned

" A court in Assen has banned the paedophile association "Martijn". As a result the association has to disband immediately. The court has ruled that the verdict applies immediately and cannot be suspended pending any appeal by Martijn. "

And so it goes in the tolerant bastion of liberality that is The Netherlands. Their website has been shut down and they are now effectively silenced. Its members are discussing what to do. We will help in any way we can. Note: The U.S. Constitution does come in handy. For now, at least.

Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe?
"If the enforcement of notification laws imposes significant financial, social and psychological costs on released sex offenders, as an avalanche of evidence suggests it does, then notification may in fact be criminogenic." The Cato Institute weighs in.

Retired Horace Mann Teacher Admits to Sex With Students
Read this. It will be hard to vilify him.


Jerry Sandusky trial: Wife Dottie Sandusky defends her husband
The Hysteria that never dies. “Each of these accusers was very, very seriously injured and very concerned.” Where's the proof?  http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/jerry-sandusky-trial-defense-suggests-witnesses-were-coached/2012/06/19/gJQAgKF9nV_story.html

Sandusky Guilty of Sexual Abuse of 10 Young Boys
A guilty verdict was, of course, a forgone conclusion, as it always is.

American Horror Story
Maureen Dowd got the title right but for precisely the wrong reason. The lefty-feminist New York Times editorialist joins with all of America in vilifying relationships with which she has no understanding or knowledge. Her's is a fashionable tolerance requiring strict adherence to acceptable "progressive" opinions and a studied synchronization with the smug self-congratulation of an elaborately constructed "progressivism". These are the sort of "liberal's" who require a critical mass of their peers to accept a disenfranchised minority (such as gays or, much earlier, blacks) before they embrace it as their cause celebre. So very trendy and insufferably hip and self-satisfied!

FBI: Child sex offenders turn violent, suicidal The headline serves to promote the view that "child sex offenders" are violent as well as suicidal.
The truth is, they are just suicidal, with little evidence that they are ever violent. Perhaps it is because they are not violent that they have become such a convenient target for law enforcement.

New LA law requires sex offender status on Facebook
Louisiana's response to courts which found the outright ban of "sex offenders from social media sites unconstitutional? Make them declare their sex offender status on their FaceBook page or go to prison! I'm a pedophile! Friend me!

City Working on Local Law to Put Restrictions on Sex Offenders

Another community wants to enact  "sex offender-free zones". How original!

Feared Montville sex offender facility off to quiet start
The story doesn't say if this new Connecticut facility is for prisoners currently serving their prison terms, for those being "paroled" but whom they don't want to release to the community, or if it is "civil commitment" for those who have entirely paid their debt to society but are now being unconstitutionally imprisoned. 
These are distinctions which the media and the public are increasingly unable, or unwilling, to make.

FBI & DEA Warn That IPv6 May Be Too Damn Anonymous
As long as this is presented as a way to protect children or stop terrorists or whatever the obsessive preoccupation of the day is, it seems likely that ISPs will bend over backwards to kiss the Fed's ass.

Boulder sex offender balks at 'intensive' probation, asks to be sent to prison

Judge grants Justin Mathis' request, sentences him to 12 years Yes, that's how bad probation and parole have become. Sometimes, prison really is preferable. http://www.dailycamera.com/news/boulder/ci_20891466/boulder-sex-offender-balks-at-intensive-probation-asks

Paedophile jailed over drawing abuse pictures

Oh, the imaginary humanity! http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/9770189.Paedophile_jailed_over_drawing_abuse_pictures

Virginia DNA data support innocence of 33 convicted of sex crimes, study concludes
Bear in mind that there are many crimes for which there is NO DNA evidence. Only the hearsay of witnesses. The imprisonment of the innocent is an enormous scandal which should disturb all of our citizens, but doesn't..

Britain balks at extradition in Minnesota sex case
"One of Britain's highest courts on Wednesday found that Minnesota's controversial program to commit sex offenders indefinitely to treatment violates European human rights law. " No kidding! And it violates the U.S. Constitution, too. Not that that matters anymore.

Police target 'anonymous' paedophiles on 'hidden internet'
Because it's so much easier than going after real criminals. And terrorists.

Has Westchester's Sex Offender Registry Done Anything to Make Our Children Safer?

" We want people to be empowered. When you’re dealing with a burglar, you can have a burglar alarm. But you can’t create a sex offender alarm.”   Uh, beg your pardon? I would say that that is just what we have.

Uganda to ban pro-gay rights NGOs

Of course, when this sort of thing goes on in the U.S. in the form of oppression of boy lovers, it suddenly becomes acceptable. http://www.salon.com/2012/06/21/uganda_to_ban_pro_gay_rights_ngos_for_promotion_of_homosexuality_salpart/

National Child Abuse Expert David Finkelhor Available to Discuss Sandusky Trial
I guess old Finkle-whore wasn't getting enough attention. He's available! Shall we call him?

Illinois’ sex-offender fee generates little revenue
Much like the Chinese who charge the families of the condemned for the bullet used to blow their brains out.

Why do schools really stop parents taking photographs of their children?

The issue of photographing children has become fraught in schools all over Britain. " Any adult looking through the viewfinder at a child is viewed as potentially sinister and in need of regulation." It is truly symptomatic of a mass hysteria overtaking the land. In the words of one of this story's commenters "What a strange, frightened land Britain seems to have become!"

High-tech sex offender tracking on way
Just in time to track the "Beast of Blenheim"! We kid you not. The Kiwis are in full-panic mode!

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots armed intruder
Poor little defenseless child!

Does 'Gay Inc.' Believe in Free Speech?
Not in the last thirty years. They have been completely locked-down by political correctness for decades.

"Man searched at airport on suspicion of paedophilia ‘because he had a camera and a boyfriend".
I'll leave my boyfriend at home, next time.

Politicians fail to calm fury at sex offender home
German citizenry, including self-proclaimed neo-Nazis calling for execution of sex offenders, gather outside the home of two sex offenders to demand their removal (and/or execution). Kristallnacht II.

Daughter fears sex offender's killing was a case of vigilante justice
Yet another instance of those on the sex offender registry being targeted for murder. And America applauds.

Sex offenders in pilot drugs trial

"Somebody who destroys the innocence, who offends, hurts, violates a child - they have to accept they are putting their own human rights in jeopardy”.-Peter Saunders, Napac charity for abuse survivors


Questioning the (historically) recent practice of shielding "victim" identity.

New Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Law Sets High Bar for Child Protection

Guess what, Floridians? You've been drafted into the war against sex offenders!

Child Sex Sting Snags 38 Men, Including School Teacher And Disney Employee
Didn't cops used to have to do actual investigation? Now they just place personals ads and sit back and wait.

Hunting for child porn, FBI stymied by Tor undernet
Hmmm.... so what is the take-home message here? Like, maybe, use Tor?
My colleague, however is more dubious: "I'm not inclined to believe they are being entirely honest about their failure."

Sex offenders being released from prison without accessing treatment programme
Getchur free pseudo-scientific, voodoo sex offender treatment here! Why, it's as effective as that Almighty Colon Cleanser sold on late-night infomercials! On second thought, it probably isn't quite that effective.

Ali Hasan: The 11-year-old feeling the wrath of Bahrain's regime
Boy faces trial in 'crackdown on children'. His crime? Playing in the street with friends

Child rapist leads legal bid to end slopping out
Turns out, "slopping out" means living in a prison cell which lacks a sink and toilet (often found in handy and appealing combination). But with a bucket. Yes, some prisons in the U.K. still do not have in-cell plumbing, kind of like in, say, Uganda or Nigeria. "slopping out"

Emotional Distress in the Teen Years
In Pennsylvania, it is now a criminal offense for a teenager to post something on the internet (or send a text) that  causes emotional distress to another teenager. http://technicallythatsillegal.com/2012/06/emotional-distress-in-the-teen-years.html/

State may urge schools to rethink zero-tolerance rules for students


10-year-old solves science riddle and co-authors paper
Now if we can just get him to run for President, we might have a future!

Shakespeare’s boys often fall in love with older and wiser women.
You mean, as old and wise as, say, Germaine Greer?
" Are they based on Ann Hathaway"?, asks Germaine Greer. "We still understand the seductiveness of boys. "
Well, it would seem, not everyone understands. Or possibly they just don't want to admit it.

"Finnish social gaming company Sulake was engulfed in scandal today as it emerged that one of its products, Habbo, has been fingered as a hotbed of child grooming and teen sex chat." Hmmm... Finland....Depressive affects, tango dancin', immersive pedo role-playin'

"Boylover dossier" - " Dutch government threatens non-offending boylovers

Tolerance? What tolerance? The Dutch have become uptight asshole-clones of the Americans and British.

"American" side of the story:
Maksym Shynkarenko, Suspected Child Porn Kingpin, Faces Charges In US

"Ukrainian" side of the story:
Kiev doubts case against Ukrainian charged with porn distribution in US

Child abuse is 'rife' across England, warns watchdog
Deputy Children's Commissioner Sue Berelowitz is positively HYSTERICAL! Be sure to read the next story after this one from "Spiked" to put the hysteria in perspective! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/child-abuse-is-rife-across-england-warns-watchdog-7844579.html

Officialdom’s pervy fantasy world! Recent reports of rampant child abuse in the UK owe more to the sordid mindset of officialdom than fact.
"Berelowitz seemingly couldn’t stop herself from giving vent to her pervy imagination." "So not only should we treat the fear of rampant child abuse with the scepticism it deserves, but also how about abolishing the official fearmongers, too?" Bravo Spiked!

Ninety-nine arrested in paedophile abuse raids
According to Ceop's deputy chief executive, Andy Baker "Every image is a crime scene." . I wonder if there will be a follow-up report on the outcomes of all these arrests. How many will be revealed to be utter nonsense? 

Warning of link between downloading and child sex attacks
Lying Liars and the Loonies Who Elect Them! More sweeping allegations with no evidence.

West Milford’s town council backs proposed bill that would restore residency restrictions for convicted sex offenders
Demonstrating that Brain-Death is truly irreversible!

Former cop sentenced for sex with 14-year-old boy
He was given 14 day jail sentence. Is that how it works in Canada? One day served for each year of their "victim's" life? Possibly for cops, but no one else!

Tougher surveillance law could put Peeping Toms on sex offender list
Sadly, cops who conduct surveillance are exempted from this law.

New Study: Significant Risk of Wrongful Conviction in Plea Bargaining
Extraordinarily long sentences are used to scare defendants into accepting plea bargains, guilty or not. The system is completely gamed. http://wrongfulconvictionsblog.org/2012/06/13/new-study-significant-risk-of-wrongful-conviction-in-plea-bargaining/

Sex Offenders' Rights Group Fights Ban On Working With Hollywood Children
All because Cory Feldman claims to have been molested as a child actor. And that's hard to believe!

Boy Scouts Sex Abuse: Oregon Court Makes 20,000-Page Document On Suspected Molestations Public
Seems like a whole bunch of lawsuits just waitin' to happen!

Teen Sexting Still Rampant, Study Reveals
Gosh! Who would have thought?

Discoverer of Dead Gay Duck Sex
Beating-off a dead duck! Seems like it should be a new metaphor.

Sheriff: Man who gunned down sex offenders said it 'had to be done'
Unfortunately, there are lot's of people who agree with his reasoning.

Wife of slain sex offender: 'Nobody has any compassion'

Nor brains.

Coal Activist Questioned About Child Porn After Showing Innocuous Bathtime Photo at Hearing

Another example of how the anti-sex laws are used to suppress anything undesired by the state.

Cambodia 'to deport' notorious Russian paedophile
Land of the busybody foreign feminist N.G.O.'s.

Parents worry about sexualised children, one year after David Cameron promised crackdown on advertising

And they're worried about nothing else. Scary!

Sexually exploited children are at further risk in care,

says Barnardo's Charity report claims children's care homes are magnets for groomers and traffickers "He could swear and make sexual references that could turn the air blue, but that was not him – it was what he had heard". Imagine the deprogramming necessary to restore his innocence! Maybe an IV drip?

Jerry Sandusky Allegedly Wrote 'Creepy' Love Letters to Victim
ike "I love you". That's just SO creepy!

Budget Woes Halt Two DOJ Conferences

Maybe doing away with the pointless federal civil commitment might save them some money.

The Evolution of Unconstitutionality in Sex Offender Registration Laws

"Two intertwined causes are responsible for the schemes’ constitutional downfall. The first is a legislative body eager to draft increasingly harsh registration and notification schemes to please an electorate that subsists on a steady diet of fear. When combined with the second cause, a Supreme Court that has yet to signal much-needed boundaries, the ensuing consequence is runaway legislation that is no longer rationally connected to its regulatory purpose. Ultimately, this Article is a cautionary tale of legislation that has become unmoored from its constitutional grounding because of its punitive effect and excessive reach."

Man hounded out of second town

The vigilante-style campaign was described by police as “inappropriate”. But did they do anything about it?

In wake of slaying of 2 registered sex offenders, lawyer plans to push for changes to registry

Good luck! Most people are rooting for the murderer.

Erika Perdue: Feds Bust Dallas "Socialite" for Huge Hoard of Child Porn
See what happens when your wife gets bored? Maybe she was hoping to start a pyramid marketing empire. Like Mary Kay Cosmetics. Imagine the house parties! "Oh, that's just preciious! I just have to have one!"

Having a bit of fun with the nanny state.


Abuse as Child May Lower Skin Cancer Immunity
Oh great, now we're being accused of causing skin cancer! Or possibly the school refused to allow them to use sunblock as in this story.

Dad who took belt to son acquitted of child abuse
But would he "be within his parental rights" if he fondled his son for good behavior?

Bill Will Further Limit Registered Child Sex Offenders in Illinois
Yeah, but it doesn't say anything about dressing up as Santa Claus when it's NOT Christmas! See, there's another loophole for some pervert to exploit! We just see it as future legislative potential. There will always be elections!

Should Sex Offenders Be Buried With Military Honors?

My Lai Massacre participant? No problem! Boy fellater? Not in my graveyard!

OKC Organization Wants To Stop Enforcement Of Sex Offender Law

A new law limits the number of sex offenders who can live in one dwelling to one. "But Representative Clark Jolly says he just wants to 'close up a loop-hole' " Of course! A LOOP-HOLE! Why didn't I think of that?

Texas county to track sex offenders who evacuate before hurricanes
And if they end up in Oz, will they have to stay 1000' away from the munchkins?

Crime for Minor to Post or Send Messages That “Emotional[ly] Distress” Another Minor?
"I can't stand your hair!"

What Does It Say About America That We Jail Teens for Having Sex or Being Late to School?

'Sexual depravity' of penguins that Antarctic scientist dared not reveal
Then let's not speak of it!

5 Kids Who Kick Ass at Stuff They Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do
We need to be reminded from time-to-time what kids are capable of.

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