The Recurring Myth of the NAMBLA Membership List

by Eric Tazelaar
It has come to our attention that, once again, there is a report that the NAMBLA "membership list" has fallen into the hands of law enforcement - in this case, the F.B.I. Once again, this report is untrue.
Let us be clear: there is NO TRUTH to this report, nor has there EVER been any truth to past reports that our membership list has come into the possession of any unauthorized person or law enforcement agency.
The confidentiality of our membership list has always been a crucial priority for us.
We have never disseminated it to anyone outside of the Steering Committee nor anyone not authorized by the Steering Committee. (Indeed, few even of the Steering Committee have themselves seen it.)
A story, published by "The Smoking Gun" and which can be viewed here, alleges that a "Philip Godek" of Long Island, New York was recently arrested on "child porn" charges. This resulted (according to this story) in a search which uncovered the alleged NAMBLA "mailing list".
All we can say is, if this guy had a document which indicated that it is NAMBLA's membership list, then it is a complete fabrication.
One possibility is that he had a copy of the now-ancient (and fake) purported list of our members published years ago by Mike Echols, a notoriously unhinged anti-B.L. vigilante who is now long dead (and likely missed by no one). That list, itself, was NOT the NAMBLA membership list.
This isn't the first time law enforcement and the F.B.I. have put forth entirely false claims about NAMBLA.
It is important to see these spurious reports for what they really are: an attempt to frighten us, a means to prevent us from asserting our right to communicate and to organize and to challenge our present state of extreme oppression.
We hope that our members will recognize this lie for what it is and see that it is only through our concerted efforts will we ever be able to effect positive change.
It is worth reminding our supporters that, to belong to NAMBLA is perfectly legal.. Our publications are legal. Our website is legal. And our message is legal.
You can be a member of NAMBLA without fear that, by so joining, you will be a part of a criminal conspiracy or that your identity will be known to government agencies.
We operate entirely within the realm of legal, protected speech.
However, it is important to remind you that it is not legal to possess that material which our government has criminalized and refers to as "child pornography". Doing so is perilous and can bring you to great danger. We decry these laws, as is our right. But we urge you to keep yourself safe from the terrorists who have as their goal our total destruction.

NOTE: "A Witchhunt Foiled" detailing the failed attempt by the F.B.I. and law enforcement to railroad Nambla, can be ordered from our publications list. Click here for the list, and click here for the order form.

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