NAMBLA is a group of unpaid volunteer activists.
We nevertheless need to pay for such things as a secure Web server,
domain fees, a dependable mail service and postage to name but a few of our
To continue our work your help is not only essential but absolutely vital.
Without dedicated supporters, as we hope you will be, we will not be able to
exist for long.
A number of perceptive people, irrespective of orientation,
nevertheless support us too. They understand how the diversity
of benign human traits may benefit society. They also understand that
misguided efforts to deny us our rights to free speech will be the
thin wedge to pry off that right from others.
NAMBLA is the only organization of its kind. Your financial contribution
is vital if our message is to remain strong.

Though any amount you wish to donate will be greatly appreciated, we suggest a
basic yearly amount of $40. At that level, we would like to thank you with three of
our Topics publications - not including Boys Speak Out - or two of our past
Bulletins plus 20% off of any of our publications.
For an additional $10 we wll add the very popular Boys Speak Out.
At the $75 support level, we would like to thank you by also adding BSO as well
as the 166 page color graphic novel StarGazing.
For a list of our
available books and publications, click this link!
You do not have to limit yourself to the above amounts, Any amount, small or large
will be greatly appreciated.

Various forms of payment are available. The simplest way is to send a check or
money order to the address below. Cash is acceptable but should be wrapped in an opaque
envelope. Do send us an email to alert us to any funds your are sending so that we may
monitor receipt.
If you have an application that enables you to make an electronic money transfer
into NAMBLA's account, send us an email with details to see if this can work for us.
Though more unwieldy for us, we can accept certain cryptocurrencies. Email us if
this is how you wish to contribute.

537 Jones St. No. 8418
San Francisco CA 94102
(Because No. 8418 tells the mailing service our box location, only the second and third lines of the address are necessary.)
Click the link to remind yourself as to why NAMBLA matters.