Zeitgeist November 2012
Published: 8 November 2012Updated:![]() |
November 8, 2012 WHY THE FORESKIN? An argument for sexual enjoyment Ammo for those of us opposed to the involuntary mutilation of male babies. How can we not contrast the trauma of cutting off part of a boy's penis with the pleasure of receiving fellatio and the stark differences in how these two acts are treated by our society and our governments. Can any other example better illustrate the madness of our sex laws? ACLU files lawsuit over Proposition 35's sex offender provisions This "proposition" passed with 81% support! This is the best example imaginable of "tyranny by the majority". Fortunately, it looks as though its enforcement will be on hold as it makes its way through the courts. "The court granted the challengers' request for a temporary restraining order to halt implementation of the law late Wednesday, writing that the "Plaintiffs have raised serious questions about whether the challenged sections of the CASE Act violate their First Amendment right to free speech and other constitutional rights." Victims advocates oppose Proposition 35 human trafficking measure Carefuly concealed within George Runner's latest civil liberties California Propositon horror is: "Require all registered sex offenders to disclose their internet accounts." Neb. 12-year-old accused of sex assault on boy, 3 A 12-year-old Lincoln boy has been charged with sexual assaulting a 3-year-old male relative. The Lincoln Journal Star reports that prosecutors say the assault occurred between Sept. 1 and 25. The 12-year-old was taken to the Lancaster County Juvenile Detention Center and has been released, pending further action by prosecutors. This is happening more-and-more. Not kids are fooling around with each other, but that they are being criminalized, and traumatized, by our government. It has to stop. Catholic newspaper scrubs interview after priest says children are ‘seducers’ How dare he say what is so patently obvious! Father Benedict Groeschel, American Friar, Claims Teens Seduce Priests In Some Sex Abuse Cases And, of course, he's since backtracked... But not before his career is irreparably damaged. Iit's really interesting to see how outraged people get when someone stands up to the received wisdom of the hysterical masses simply by saying what is so obviously true. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/331892 California Supreme Court upholds 25-to-life term for sex offender's failure to register as third strike Particularly disturbing act of judicial injustice. Few cases better demonstrate the real purpose behind onerous regulatory requirements for post-carceral "sex offenders": to put them back in prison as easily as possible and for as long as possible. How Child Porn And The Other Awfulest Things Ever Get Scrubbed From The Internet They hire people who have no interest in child pornography whatsoever (I'm sure!). "It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it!" One in 100 children are psychopaths, experts believe Maybe, but 9 out of 10 district attorneys, cops, and sex abuse therapists are obviously psychopaths, themselves! Software Meant to Fight Crime Is Used to Spy on Dissidents Shocking! That can't be! Sandusky Fits Sex Predator Profile, Report Says Yes. He was a highly respected member of the community who got on great with kids! NYC programs crushed by ‘molestation insurance’ – next the world? Children will pay the bill for sky-high abuse compensation Driven by the twin modern phenomena of wildly out-of-control civil litigation propelled by greed together with out-of-control sex hysteria.
One wonders how many people in the U.S. are now extravagantly rich through no real effort of their own. Sex offender registration appeals introduced "The Supreme Court ruled that denying offenders the right of appeal was incompatible with their human rights , shortly before the 2010 general election." The "Supreme Court" in this case not being the U.S. Supreme Court, of course. In this respect, the U.K. appears to be cautiously, albeit slightly, distancing itself from the model set by the U.S. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19437723 Bill passes to keep mentally ill sex predators off California streets Psychologists are increasingly unwilling to do the state's bidding in denying those who have fully served their prison sentences their freedom. Civil Committment of sex offenders is not only a civil liberties disaster but a monumental waste of increasingly scarce public resources. It was all predicated on public hysteria and ignorance anyway and does NOTHING to enhance public safety. Even some of the most hysteria-riven "psychologists" who once eagerly engaged in these abysmal programs are starting to have serious doubts about their efficacy, the selection criteria used to identify the so-called "worst-of-the-worst" (many are non-violent boylovers) and the priorities given over to permanently incapacitating guys (and they're always "guys") in multi-decadal gulags. But the scare-mongers throughout the country are not going to give up without a fight. We're in for a very long haul to untie the terrible knot which has been created. Why the North Carolina Sex Offender Registry Doesn’t Work A very good piece and from North Carolina, at that. Amongst other things it points out: " A study by Amanda Agan reported in the 2011 Journal of Law and Economics found that registries showed no effect on limiting re-offense rates." Teacher John Rosi Joins Students in Bullying 13 Year Old Yet the teacher wasn't fired and because of his " body of work over an 18-year teaching career". Gee, I wonder if the teacher had given him a back rub instead if he wouldn't have been fired because of his previous "body of work"? I think not! NBC2 Investigates: Sexual predators at school "Investigates!" As if they were actual journalists! GOP, hands off my porn! "The Republican Party has committed to "vigorously" enforcing obscenity laws. A look at what that could mean." Even so, "conventional" pornography is pretty thoroughly entrenched in our culture today, most people don't care and the Christian fundamentalist's best days are behind them. The real pornography issues ahead will be the extent to which children will be further "protected" by escalating censorship laws that enjoy the support of liberals and conservatives alike. Nothing else will matter or get traction. I admit to being tired of hearing liberals throwing up their hands at the prospect of conservatives taking away their porn. It isn't going to happen in any meaningful or lasting way. Hey, you "Progressives" throw some civil liberties concerns our way! But you won't because you're actually quite cowardly, conformist and without independent thoughts despite your continuous self-congratulations to the contrary. Federal Sex Offender Civil Commitment Process Under Fire Yea judges! Some of you are finally showing some spine! Now lets relish, and encourage, the slow unwinding of the federal civil committment laws! Child porn evidence unreliable: study of Playboy The Tanner Scale has been used to convict men of child porn by purporting to demonstrate that female models were underrage based upon their appearance according to the "Scale". Pediatric endocrinologists used more than 500 Playboy centerfolds to conclude that this "test instrument" is flawed. Children’s Bill must become law "We don't have any child porn groups in our country (Trinidad) but, in case we ever do, we need this law urgently!" Parents must pass test: Bravehearts "Bravehearts has called for volunteering parents to be subject to mandatory child safety checks as part of its plan to make Australia the safest place in the world to raise children." And there's more!... Bravehearts pushes for child sex offenders to be named and shamed! "A LEADING child welfare group is reigniting the push for dangerous repeat child sex offenders to be named and shamed and their photographs made public to protect children from possible reoffending." Shame! Shame! Shame! Can there be any doubt that these women (and the occasional man) are on a quasi-religious mission to establish themselves as the moral arbiters of their times? http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/bravehearts-pushes-for-child-sex-offenders-to-be-named-and-shamed/story-fndo2iwh-1226463804696 The paedophiles aged ten: 136 children under 15 convicted of sex offences on other youngsters in 2011 "Children found guilty on daily basis of raping another child, sexual grooming and taking or possessing of indecent photographs of minors." And, naturally, it's attributable to the "easy access to hardcore images and videos on the internet " says deputy children's commissioner Sue Berelowitz! And she goes on: "girls as young as 11 'expect' to have to perform sex acts on rows of boys for up to two hours at a time in parts of London". Blaming online porn, she told MPs that there 'isn't a town, village or hamlet in which children are not being sexually exploited'. Sounds like a rich fantasy life you have there Ms. Berelowitz! It's one thing to fuck up the lives of adults, which is horrible enough, but when they set their sights on other kids then I think that there will be considerable push-back. Just watch and wait! Youth-led organizations in Russia forcefully take justice into their own hands Vigilantes emerge in a country in which justice has always been "rough". More evidence of Russia's spiral into fascism. Online pedophile communities operate unchecked In Korea, supposedly. SEX PANIC AND THE PUNITIVE STATE CONCLUSION Pertinax reviews roger Lancaster's excellent book "Sex Panic and The Punitive State" a book which I wholeheartedly recommend even if I do think the author flails away a bit much at the notion that "capitalism" is somehow central to the sex panic (to my mind it clearly is not: the sex panic is about sex, religion, the subjugation of children and sexual jealousy, not markets). http://senseoffenses.blogspot.com/2012/09/sex-panic-and-punitive-state-conclusion.html U.S. Department of Justice awards $1 million for sex offender monitoring To Native American reservations So much for tribal autonomy! Albuquerque to host sex offender laws national conference Since this Zeitgeist is so late (as usual), it's already happened. R.S.O.L. struggles for acceptability having purged its membership of "undesireables" (and you know who you are!), including some of those who started the organization. They are at pains to convey, at every opportunity, that they disapprove of us, in particular: "RSOL is not affiliated with, nor do we support or condone, NAMBLA, Boychat, Girlchat, or any group with similar positions on age-of-consent or related behaviors." We don't take it personally; realpolitik, and all. Whatever gets you through the night... Kentucky Supreme Court to consider fairness of child-abuse registry Never charged, let alone convicted, this school teacher is on the registry. Symposium: Preventative Detention: Sex Offender Exceptionalism and Preventive Detention I have not yet read this but will. It is from the University of Kansas School of Law and looks promising: "The emerging war on sex offenders, as typical of wartime mentality, has been marked by substantial deviations from established legal doctrine, constitutional protections, and the rule of law. Because of a high level of panic among the general population about sex offenders the use of preventative detention for sex offenders has received little attention or scrutiny. While the population of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay has slowly decreased, the number of persons in state and federal detention centers dedicated to sex offenders has continued to climb. " Determining the Long-Term Risks of Recidivism and Registration Failures among Sexual Offenders Similarly, I have yet to digest this either and admit to having prejudices against reports issued by the government. At first glance, their reported "recidivism" rates seem awfully high relative to other recent studies to be credible. S. Korea MPs urge physical castration for repeat rapists Why not just save the expense and send them up north where, arguably, virtually everyone is effectively neutered? Officer fired over prostitute claim "A probation officer who was recorded talking about providing a paedophile with a prostitute dressed as a child has been fired for serious misconduct." Hey, if it's good enough for the probation officer, it's good enough for the probationer! Child abuse remarks bishop slammed "A long-serving bishop has sparked a storm of controversy over his fitness for the job after revealing he used to think paedophilia was friendship gone too far." That poor bishop! I'll bet he rues the day he opened his mouth to say what anyone in their right mind knows is true! Judge says sexting teens should not be charged under child porn laws More evidence of the occasionally sane jurist. No conviction for teen sex And here's another sensible judge: New report examines how prison spending impacts higher ed in California “I am a Sex Offender — For Life” Lenore Skenazy urges a change to sex offender laws. Dance studio offers children pole dancing classes How long before we see them at the "Bada Bing" entertaining Tony Soprano and the Gang? Heart Attacks In Men Associated With Childhood Sexual Abuse Last time it was cancer, now it's heart attacks! Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children Tea and Sympathy in the age of savagery. That this thinking represents the most benign and enlightened view in society is truly scary. Illinois Boy Wins $1,000, Donates Money to Neighbor Fighting Leukemia Kids as thinking, creative and compassionate individuals. Something which society has little apprectiation of because it has become too inconvenient. McDonnell Signs Bill Toughening Penalties for Sex Offenders "Minimum" life sentences, that is. What would the maximum be, I wonder? Sex-registry reformers open conference R.S.O.L. needed a police presence to protect Albuquerque from their presence. Invasion of the "milquetoasts"! The Justice Department’s Child Porn Problem "Across America police officers appear to be engaging in the child porn industry in epic numbers. I’ve written about the national crisis of federal employees doing child porn on work computers. There is a related epidemic at the state level." As much as I believe that is undoubtedly true, the author of this piece goes on to forcefully assert such gems as "Half of all child porn now originates in America. The profits are massive. Estimated porn profits in 2006 exceed combined revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink ranging from $3-$20 billion annually. It is unclear what percentage comprises child porn profits.[Ed: like $5, maybe] In child porn 69% of the abused children averaged at ten years old with 39% under six. Every 39 minutes a new porn video is created in America. Ten new images of abused children used in child porn are posted daily. The sex abuse of one child in front of a live webcam is estimated to generate revenues of $1,000 dollars a night". Or: "Police who choose the sexual torture of children for their pleasure and profit often work with corrupt judges and government officials creating alliances that provide pedophile rings protection and tax-free millions. The corruption is protected, not the children. The crime requires a steady supply of children to abuse for profit." "When these kinds of crimes are ignored by the Department of Justice, there is a clear crisis in our Homeland. Children are being trafficked to feed America’s billion-dollar child porn industry. Too many police are involved. Mr. Holder is allowing this national epidemic of child porn to flourish inside our justice system, crippling our most vulnerable citizens; our children." Yeah! Right! Much as I despise Eric Holder and our Department of Justice, I have to say: this is total bullshit! I detect the unmistakeable odor of right wing fundamentalist fanatical Republicans here. I don't know who "Lori Handrahan" is but she smells almost indistinguishable from Judith Reisman or Phyllis Schlafly. Actually, that may be a bit unfair to Phyllis. http://frontpagemag.com/2012/lori-handrahan/the-justice-departments-child-porn-problem New Jersey Bill Limits Social Networking for Registered Sex Offenders "Specifically, the bill would require all Megan's Law registrants to include the following on their social network profiles, and visible to all users: State AG: Beware of scam by 'FBI' Are we sure this ISN'T the FBI? Fourth Circuit finds clearly erroneous district court findings on federal sex offender civil commitment A bad thing, as it turns out. Democrats Retreat on Civil Liberties in 2012 Platform As if we needed any reminders; they are NOT our friends! So stop pretending that Democrats are our friends, will you? Son of Yardbirds drummer jailed for 30 years for posing as charity volunteer to sexually abuse children as young as Six Apparently, he will be receiving "Drum Therapy" for the next 30 years. The Science of Pedophilia: Is It a Sexual Orientation? "If pedophilia is a sexual orientation, researchers say, no amount of therapy or prison time will help". In other words, such an emerging view will probably not help us. Beware the ascendancy of the smarmy Dr. James Cantor. But hey, what do I know? I'm down ten I.Q. points! We're creating adult-phobic children "Dramatic escalation of child-protection measures has succeeded in poisoning the relationship between the generations". "An apartheid between adults and children has resulted". Excellent piece. Do read this! How is it that no one (except for us) seemed to foresee this eventuality? It's not rocket science. Defying Canon and Civil Laws, Diocese Failed to Stop a Priest The trend is now clear, with a school principle in California also recently being convicted for "not reporting abuse". More-and-more people have found themselves involuntarily conscripted into the war against pedophiles at the risk of their own freedom. God Save the Queens "When gays are just like straights, what will the faeries and leather daddies do?" The Re-Packaging of Gay culture
(and the culling of the embarrassing or the inconvenient). Three Reasons Possession of Child Porn Must Be Re-Legalized In the Coming Decade And not necessarily for the reasons we might expect. For example: "1. The ban prevents catching/jailing child molesters." German Pirates reject founder's child porn call The German Pirate Party has distanced itself from Rick Falkvinge, the Swede credited with founding Europe's Pirate movement, over his call for owning child pornography to be legalized.
Not everyone in the Pirate Party is equally enlightened: Should Inmates' First Amendment Speech Allow for Media Interviews? The stories that would be told! Children Who Sell Themselves The feminist do-gooders, invariably from rich, white countries, who go to countries like India or Cambodia to cleanse it of practices they find abhorrent, such as child labor and child prostitution, leave kids with no options left for survival. That's when they leave. Thomas Szasz, Relentless Freedom Fighter, Dead at 92 "Szasz argued tirelessly that psychiatric labels, as nothing more than names attached to sets of behavioral criteria, should not be used to strip people of their freedom or relieve them of their responsibility." Now you need a licence to interact with children The UK government’s hysterical vetting of adults who work with kids is strangling social solidarity. Simi Valley becomes first city in county to pass Halloween sex offender law "Championed by Mayor Bob Huber, who is seeking re-election in November, the new law requires such offenders to post signs on their front doors saying, "No candy or treats at this residence." It also bars them from opening their doors to children on the holiday, displaying Halloween decorations or having exterior lighting on their property from 5 p.m. to midnight." So, even if you're not on parole or probation, the law requires you to post a sign, refrain from opening the door, or having Halloween decorations, or you'll be breaking the law. R.S.O.L. California intends to sue. 8-year-old boy attacks police with pepper spray 'atta boy! Outlaw possession of written accounts of child abuse says British MP They're just trying to "close a loophole"! That's Sir Paul Beresford, the MP for "Mole Valley". He's the guy that made a law requiring computer owners to surrender their encryption keys. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19574487 Sex Offender Monitoring Program for Local Tribe This works out to around $115 per household. Denouncing City’s Move to Regulate Circumcision Mentioned is the Jewish practice of "direct suction " (just like it sounds in which the "Mohel" (circumcisor) sucks the baby boy's now bleeding penis).
When we provide "direct suction", even though it doesn't result in mutilation or blood loss, we're thrown in prison for the rest of our lives. Study: Highest Suicide Rates Among Religious Homosexuals Quite obviously. No revelations there. The Daily Mail’s fight to get online porn blocked A bit rich coming from the people behind Mail Online.
And yet, perfectly consistent. Macomb Co. mom says teen daughter could face child porn charges That is, images of herself! At age 14. Suspected Mexican teen assassin, 16, linked to 50 killings And yet, if you or I had had sex with this little mass murderer, we would be thrown into prison. Sex Offenders React To Tougher Residency Restrictions Interesting tidbit from this story: "The U.S. is one of eight countries with public sex offender registries, and is the only country with residency restrictions on sex offenders, according to Human Rights Watch." Richard Keller Child Porn Arrest: Boston Pediatrician Had Up To 100 Graphic DVDs US Attorney Says "served as medical director of the famed prep school Phillips Academy for nearly two decades". Another highly-skilled professional flushed down the toilet for looking at pictures! Wonder why the U.S. is becoming less competitive and health care has become so expensive, etc., etc.? Events such as this could be part of the reason. Caroline Robboy, Philadelphia Mom, Ticketed By Police After 2-Year-Old Son Pees On Sidewalk (VIDEO) "The officer then gave her a lecture on parenting, telling her that the ticket was "for her own protection" in case there was "a pervert watching [her] son." Yes. Imagine the risk she put him in!!! California appeals court upholds as-applied challenge to sex offender residency restriction of Jessica's Law Sins of a good Mormon boy "Each year, the church asked me the same question: "Do you touch yourself?" Each year I lied, and hated myself more." Why supernaturalist religion, and not just Mormonism, really needs to go. http://www.salon.com/2012/09/14/sins_of_a_good_mormon_boy BBC investigation reveals police persecution of gays in Iraq "Activists say hundreds of gay men, and some women, have died in targeted killings in Iraq in recent years." I don't recall Saddam Hussein instigating such wide-spread assaults against gays (Kurds, yes!). So, in other words, the U.S. has facilitated this recent wave of violent oppression of gays. No child porn on computer of charged Minn. coach He had had "nude photos" of his own chidren on his cellphone which prompted the search of his house. The larger question here is, unlike in times past, is simple NUDITY of children now ILLEGAL? When did this happen? Woman recants accusation of sex assault "In 1994, four women were accused of sex assault. Now, a witness has recanted." This points out (again) that a conviction of "sexual assault" requires only that a jury believe the words of an accuser without any other evidence OR that the prosecution so scare the bejeesus out of the accused that they will accept a plea bargain that is less draconian than the penalty being threatened. Society now criminalizing parents that allow children to play in the yard - What is the world coming to? To nothing good! Lenore Skenazy is a powerful voice in the war against unreason. there is also a video link to an interview with her. Report: Boy Scouts Helped Cover Up Cases of Sexual Abuse for Decades Extraordinarily, these names, going back to the late '50's, have been published online with the vast majority having never been convicted of their "crimes" but merely suspected by the Boy Scouts! http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2012/09/16/boy_scouts_covered_up_abuse_perversion_files_show_leaders_covered_up_claims_of_sexual_abuse.html More Boy Scout hysteria: Extremist Christians publish gay hate guide for kids Nevertheless, this clearly isn't the future (in the West). Pedo-hysteria is since it has vastly more support, including from the contemporary liberal/gay contingent. http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/extremist-christians-publish-gay-hate-guide-kids130912 School who refused HIV teen a place forced to pay out School in US chocolate town of Hershey pay damages to 14-year-old with HIV who they said was ‘direct threat’ to other students IN PLAIN VIEW "How child molesters get away with it." A fresh reason to detest Malcolm Gladwell, an overrated, self-promoting hack! U.S. v. Mattix, No. 12-30012 (09-17-12) (Per curiam with B. Fletcher, Pregerson and Marshall, Sr.DJ Calif Central). Someone please explain this to me. Conversations I Don't Want to Have With My Son Raising a gay kid. Man who killed sex offenders gets life "judge warned those sympathetic to his cause to back off." The wife of one of the victims says people who support Drum and consider him a "hero" have stalked their house, thrown things at their car, spat on them and more." Right on! Sex offenders are people too "The law has failed on sex offenders. Rather than preventing crime, the law makes crime inevitable. California’s Fourth Appellate District court recently ruled current laws regarding where sex offenders can live as “unreasonable.” Encouraging development! MSP Gets New Technology to Fight Internet Child Porn "The new tools are a combination of hardware and software that police call "Cop-in-a-Box." It's a forensic data recovery system that helps officials bust sexual predators who use the Internet." Yes, I would like to see more "cops in boxes"! A most worthy goal! Otherwise, another "solution" in search of an actual problem.
South Carolina Supreme Court isn't sure it is fair to make some sex offenders in the state face lifetime satellite monitoring of their every move without any chance of appeal Increasingly, Judges we can respect! Can you imagine? having this device permanently strapped to your leg, unable to remove it, until the day you die? Even the Pilgrims didn't leave their prisoners in stocks for more than a few hours or days. But then we run into judges like the following: Judge says child pornography is as serious as actual assault And he's a JUDGE! Very poor judgement, I would say. Third Circuit finds jury unduly prejudiced by seeing too much child porn Did they come to like it too much? Perhaps their "passions became aroused". Maybe they became addicted to it? Heres one: perhaps candidate jurors should be subjected to a penile plethysmographic evaluation while watching child porn (not sure how women would be tested) before being selected for a jury? http://sentencing.typepad.com/sentencing_law_and_policy/2012/09/third-circuit-finds-jury-unduly-prejudiced-by-seeing-too-much-child-porn.html Vaginas Are Sperm Depositories and Other Scary Things About the State of New York's Sex Ed Curricula But some of us don't use "banking" at all. For example, some hide their most vital "essence" under the mattress. Assessing Volitional Impairment in Sexually Violent Predator Evaluations Ever heard of the "Wisonsin Card Sorting Test"? Your future freedom may hang on your performance of this and other "reliable" indicators. Convicted paedophile Gavin Smith convicted for online conversation describing child abuse Mind you, he had no children but, based upon his online fantasy chat sessions, he was convicted for graphically describing sex acts performed with his non-existent progeny. http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/news/2012/september/18/convicted_paedophile_smith.aspx In war against sexual "terrorists", don't underestimate the enemy! Gosh, I don't think he likes us! He refers to NAMBLA as a "terrorist" organization. Was there ever any doubt to what purposes the war on terrorism would be put? He's a Philadelphia radio talk show host so he MUST know what he's talking about. Give our regards to Judith Reisman, Dom! Pressure on Japan for stronger laws on child pornography Whatever indigenous culture you may have, just throw it out! Replace it with the clearly superior Anglo model, like everyone else! Otherwise we'll just think you're backwards. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/09/19/us-japan-pornography-idUKBRE88I07H20120919 Paedophile accuses banks of discrimination I've always loved the bank name "Rabobank" (pronounced rob-o-bank). I once told a teller at a Rabobank in Amsterdam why I found the name of the bank humourous. She had never thought of it before. Marthijn Uittenbogaard has been refused banking services in The Netherlands because he is a self-proclaimed pedophile. You know? The famously "tolerant" Netherlands? http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2012/09/paedophile_accuses_banks_of_di.php Federal Sex Offender Civil Commitment Process Under Fire "Government experts, including many Bureau of Prisons (BOP) psychologists, almost always find that prisoners certified under the Adam Walsh Act are sexually dangerous − but such certification typically does not occur until offenders are close to completing their sentences and nearing release. These delays result in extending prisoners’ terms of incarceration when, had they been certified earlier, they presumably could have been receiving sex offender treatment while serving their prison sentences." The Man Versus the Therapeutic State Jacob Sullum's (Reason Magazine) wonderful tribute to Thomas Szasz and a takedown of the civil commitment of sex offenders.
Malcolm Gladwell defends child abuse theory Such as it is. A Tribe’s Epidemic of Child Sex Abuse, Minimized for Years "Two of the children, brothers who are 6 and 8, were recently observed engaging in public sex, residents said. “Those little boys are crying out for help,” said a neighbor, who called the Bureau of Indian Affairs Police but said that officers declined to take a report or notify child welfare officials. " And, of course, "Federal officials are now moving to take over the tribe’s social service programs."
Thank God for the U.S. government! Prosecutors Deny Priest Was Urged to Lie in Abuse Case They would NEVER do that. Never. Totally Plausible Causes of Teen Sex, 1936-2012 Have fun, kids! British producer faces 2 years in prison for play about gay challenges in Uganda Ah, but for the good old days of Idi Amin! Self-described 'child prostitute' connects Jerry Sandusky to Poly Prep sex abuse scandal and coach Phil Foglietta What's more, this has NOTHING to do with money. NOTHING! Parents Sue D.A. for Charging Their 6-Year-Old Son With a Felony After He Played Doctor With a 5-Year-Old Girl Go for it! Nakoula Arrested: Update On "Innocence of Muslims" Filmmaker A vigorous defense of freedom of speech. Four-Day Conference Celebrates Harry Hay, Founder of the Modern American Gay Freedom Movement And mentions nothing of his principled and vigorous stance in support of NAMBLA. Like Gore Vidal, Allen Ginsberg and the still-living Camille Paglia, these inconvenient pro-NAMBLA positions tend to get air-brushed away by their many fans. Appeal court ups sentence of man despite his death He killed himself in prison! But that didn't keep them from INCREASING HIS SENTENCE! What's next, disinterring his body and burning it at the stake, a practice employed in the medieval ages when spectral evidence of a person's witchcraft came to light post-mortem? 9-year-old wins PUC photo contest Talented behind the lens, too. Florida is a 'hub' for human traffickers, attorney general says They just "flit" from one non-existent threat to the next, don't they? Sentences contrast in Ireland and US Makes even Ireland seem attractive. Parental Alienation Not A Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says I agree: mothers who poison their kids against their father aren't sick; they're just assholes! How Can We Stop Pedophiles? Stop treating them like monsters. Apart from this article's confused but, sadly, relatively benign presuppositions, it has an interesting background on the founding of B4U-ACT. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2012/09/stop_childhood_sexual_abuse_how_to_treat_pedophilia_.single.html ‘POWERLESS’ TO STOP TWITTER PAEDOPHILES "Criminologist and former UK detective Mark Williams-Thomas says that at this point in time it is a ‘paedophile’s playground’" Just how much fun can you have with a maximum of 160 characters? Doesn't sound like much of a playground to me. "Oh, you really know how to turn me on with short, heavily abbreviated text!" Teen arrested for posting sex video on Facebook 14 year old boy charged with creating and distributing child pornography and "employing a minor in an obscene performance" for videoing one 14 year old having sex with another. SPANK A KID, GET HARD TIME State adopts definition that 'pain' is 'physical injury'. It's about time! However, I despair of the state's ability to fairly and evenly enforce it. Guantanamo for paedophiles An oldie but a goodie! I seem to have missed it when it first appeared in the Economist, a "newspaper" (even though it looks like a magazine to us Yanks) that has taken a remarkably principled stand against many aspects of the witch hunts. Unlike the execrable tabloids like "The Sun" the Economist (which isn't just about economics, by any means) represents the very best of British journalism. Rather than adopt a false veneer of "objectivity" or "neutrality" it is entirely editorial but editorial in a way which is informed and bolstered by a level of research and analysis which is unimaginable in the American press. I highly recommend subscribing to it. They have a degree of insight into U.S. politics and culture which doesn't exist in the U.S. itself. http://www.economist.com/blogs/lexington/2010/05/guantanamo_paedophiles |
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