March 31, 2013
Couple loses their fourth child due to father’s past
'He pleaded guilty for sex crimes against children when he was 12. “I was a kid. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I pleaded guilty. But there was no sex, it was experimenting as a 12-year-old boy.”'
This is in Canada. Don't tell me how much more 'liberal' or 'enlightened' the Canadians are. This is truly evil!
Chemical Castration Now Possible for All Sex Offenders
South Korea conducting chemical warfare against "sex offenders".
The paedophile - sick or criminal?
Last week the Catholic Archbishop of Durban claimed that paedophilia was a psychological ‘illness, not a criminal condition’
"The paedophile personifies evil in 21 century society. The loathing and revulsion that is directed at this symbol of malevolence makes it very difficult to have a sensible and balanced discussion about this subject." - Frank Furedi
Cardinal explains paedophilia comments
Again. Extraordinary how even describing "pedophilia" as a sickness is no longer acceptable; it has to be described in the most Manichaen of terms, i.e. "good vs. evil".
Porn: no longer a dirty little secret
"The normalisation of porn-use in the 21st-century West speaks to a serious crisis of values – one that censorship won't solve."
"Crisis of values" or the "value of crisis"?
Massachusetts: Pro-gay play deemed ‘blasphemous’ takes places at school without incident
"Book of Genesis" recast with contemporary gay sensibilities.
Hundreds of North children arrested over sex claims
Hundreds of children have been arrested in the North over sex crimes, with experts blaming online pornography
Yeah, that's right, this has nothing to do with insane zealots who have run out of adult "offenders" to torment.
"One North MP last night said the alarming figures painted a picture of “childhood innocence destroyed”."
Or this: "“Early sexualisation can be a trigger for this kind of offending behaviour.”
Childhood "innocence" destroyed, indeed! We pray this will be these assholes' undoing!
Duprey sponsors new law on sex offenders
Would bar registered sex offenders from staying in camp grounds in New York state.
Sex offender's words to therapist cannot be used as evidence
Of course, they're STILL NOT going to let him out!
Sex abuse victims bring it upon themselves, Bill Roache claims
He didn't actually say that but it doesn't keep the newspapers from using it as a headline, does it?
Stop screwing around with the curriculum
Instead of yet more sex education, young people need the freedom to explore and develop among themselves.
"With the risks and dangers of adult relationships inflated, and autonomy redefined as compliance with a narrow set of imposed values, the last thing young people will become at the hands of intrusive sex educators is autonomous adults."
Sex offenders oppose social network disclosures
Proposed Texas bill would require them to reveal their history on social networks.
Police say 13-year-old boy stole police cruiser
"The department's officers had arrested the boy, subdued him with a stun gun and placed him in the back of the patrol car. The boy was able to somehow get from the back of the car into the front and drive off."
Nevertheless, he is incapable of consenting to a blow-job.
Graham Ovenden child sex abuse trial: Nakedness 'no shame'
An internationally-known artist accused of sexually abusing children has said there is "no shame" in the naked form.
"I have to say the absolute witch-hunt which is going on at the moment - and the idea a child naked is something to be frowned upon - is absolutely abhorrent."
- Graham Ovenden
Ex-Horace Mann Students in Talks on Sex-Abuse Case
One student had, until very recently, believed that his "abuser" had been the love of his life at least, until he read otherwise in the New York Times. Now he seeks in excess of $21M from Horace Mann School. Said by his attorney to have "used drugs to "blur" the sex"!
Yes, it's all 'a blur'!
Students lead effort to repeal Alabama law requiring teachers say being gay is crime and unacceptable to public
Meanwhile, in Alabama...
Patty Wetterling questions sex offender laws
The outspoken activist has a change of heart over the wide-reaching scope of laws she helped put into action
"We've been elevating sex offender registration and community notification and punishment for 20-some years, and a wise and prudent thing would be to take a look at what's working. Instead we let our anger drive us."
N.Y. State Senate Passes Package of Bills to Toughen Penalties for Sex Crimes
Mandatory consecutive sentences, harsher penalties for failure to register, new felony-level “Computer Sex Crimes”.
Idaho State Senate panel advances bill to double fees, create a statewide sex offender database
Senate panel advances bill to double fees, create a statewide sex offender database
Apparently, they did not already have an online database.
Sex offenders sue over personal info posted online
Extortion by the ostensible do-gooders.
‘If you question the Savile crusade, you're seen as evil’
Frank Furedi on his new book about Jimmy Savile, and why it's so hard, but so important, to challenge the moral crusade on child abuse.
I just bought it - available on Kindle.
A twenty-first century folk devil (book review)
'In Moral Crusades in an Age of Mistrust, Frank Furedi adroitly uses the sociological literature around moral panics to draw out the deeper meaning of the Jimmy Savile scandal.'
There Goes the Neighborhood!
What happens to your home’s value when a registered sex offender moves in next door?
Again, I say we should form real estate investment clubs; move in, buy adjacent properties, move out, then "flip" them all!
Rhode Island sixth-grader gives remarkable testimony in support of gay marriage
Matthew Lannon: 'If there's one thing you don't mess with in life, it's love'
French 'boat school' founder jailed for 12 years for sex abuse
Decades later, he's forced to walk the plank.
"The rapes and sexual abuses committed against very young boys during more than 20 years are not about the context of a supposedly permissive era but a deviant sexuality."
Sure beats a Carnival Cruise!
ACLU, other groups object to Michigan bill pushing annual sex offender fee
A debate over who should bear the costs for operating and maintaining the state's system used to track offenders.
THE MASTER A charismatic teacher enthralled his students.
Was he abusing them?
At the time, they didn't think so. Now, with the promise of cash payouts beckoning, and ambulance-chasers calling, they're willing to reconceptualize, through the eyes of 21st century adults, their previously valued relationships.
Lost signals, disconnected lives: Offenders raise concerns over reliability of GPS monitoring
“I really don’t have a whole lot of sympathy” for sexual offenders and whatever “inconvenience” they may have to endure."-state Rep. Garey Bies
BI spokeswoman Monica Hook maintained that GPS technology is “a reliable alternative to incarceration” and that "millions of people have worn the devices over the years"
'Millions'? Wow! That's reassuring!
And I'd hate to think that the same technology in my car GPS would also be responsible for navigating my entire future.
Lawyers angry at sex offender law change In Northern Australia
"You cannot construct a criminal justice system on the basis of popular sentiment, it doesn't work that way," Mr Goldflam said.
Oh, you foolish civil libertarian! Who says you can't?
It's been working here in the States for quite some time, now.
MP turns herself in for child porn offence
A Swedish parliamentarian has reported herself to the police for possessing child pornography, in a bid to get Swedes to question the current laws. c
Now, try to imagine, say, Mitch McConnell doing this...
Brooklyn Professor Fights for Exoneration of Convicted Sex Offender
"Jesse (Friedman) is truly an innocent victim in all of this," she said. "Since the trial, new evidence has emerged that makes me sure he was wrongfully convicted."
Silence and shame at the Sheldonian
I LOVE Tom O'Carroll! Although I suppose that's not likely to boost his "favorable ratings" with the British public :)
Savile’s Scarborough flat sold to child abuse campaigner
No doubt, he will bring in some fellow campaigners to thoroughly exorcise it of demons. Or, maybe he'll just lay back and fantasize...
"A gold Savile memorial plaque installed on the wall by Scarborough Civic Society was removed after being vandalised. Signs to a footpath opposite the building renamed 'Savile’s View' in his honour were also taken down out of respect to victims of the former DJ."
What's next a 'Savile Holocaust Museum'?
On Emotion, Juvenile Sex Offenders, and Mandatory Registration
"...perhaps the most troubling of the changes is the elimination of individuated risk assessment in favor of conviction-based assessment. No longer may registration based on an individualized assessment of whether the offender poses a threat of future harm. Instead, past conviction alone serves as the determinant. SORNA offers a clear illustration. Registration and notification burdens are strictly tied to a pre-determined three-tiered system that classifies crimes irrespective of a particular registrant‘s dangerousness."
Revealed: the networks helping families flee social services underground networks which help families flee from social services in the UK.
Not a very recent report, but fascinating, nevertheless.
Is Tom Watson in danger of fuelling a new paedophile panic?
There is a difference between listening sympathetically to the stories of people who say that they have been abused and uncritically believing every assertion that is made, says Nelson Jones.
Couple loses their fourth child due to father’s past
'He pleaded guilty for sex crimes against children when he was 12. “I was a kid. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I pleaded guilty. But there was no sex, it was experimenting as a 12-year-old boy.”'
This is in Canada. Don't tell me how much more 'liberal' or 'enlightened' the Canadians are. This is truly evil!
Tracking Offenders Departing and Entering the Country
Big Sister!
New Bill in Congress: Possibly Affecting any RSO Traveling to Another Country
More government evil! Shades of the Soviet Union.
March 27, 2013
Glenn Greenwald on Prosecutorial Abuse
"Prosecutorial abuse is a drastically under-discussed problem in general, but it poses unique political dangers when used to punish and deter online activism. But it's becoming the preeminent weapon used by the US government to destroy such activism."
Cardinal: pedophilia not a crime says cardinal, followed by swift apology
Cardinal says pedophilia not a crime but an illness. South Africa Cardinal Wilfred Fox Napier apologized for the 'botched' interview. The cardinal now says pedophilia is "a heinous crime."
Heinous! It's all so "HEINOUS"!
It's getting so an educated theologian can't even feel sorry for pedophiles anymore. That's not enough, he has to actively hate them!
From the "no good deed ever goes unpunished" Department.
God's Jury: Exploring Inquisitions, then and now
we've certainly been victims of this:
Children, some aged five, commit thousands of child sex offences
"Children as young as five are committing thousands of sexual offences as online pornography is warping youngsters’ views of “normal behaviour”, the NSPCC warned today."
""We hope our findings will ring alarm bells with the authorities that this is a problem which needs urgent attention."
I would say that the "alarm bells" which should be ringing should be within those who value the rights and liberty of kids.
Bullied 12-Year-Old Dies After Being Attacked By Two Classmates
Saudi, Yemen under fire for child executions
Our "allies" in the war on terror.
Former Tory strategist Tom Flanagan apologizes for child porn remarks
See our commentary on this case.
School Offers Counseling for Students Troubled by Pastry-Gun Incident
The "pastry-gun" case gets even stranger. Yes, you heard that right. A gun fashioned (presumably by selective "chewing") into the shape of a gun. Would I have trouble getting it past the TSA?
Md. court: sex offender doesn't have to register
A lengthy, but VERY instructive video of the attorneys arguing before the court.
Also this:
The many (impossible?) challenges of federal child pornography sentencing
The comments are often as interesting as the posts at Doug Berman's blog.
Hazing Arrests Prompt a Debate Over Student Conduct at Bronx Science
Such arrestable behavior included "uncomfortable encounters that involved nudity and contact that “got out of hand.”
“Guys would jump on top of each other,” he said. “It was with and without clothes.”"
Oh dear! How horrible!
Judge “sympathises” with sex-offender accused of 12 SOPO breaches
Apparently, he cannot own a mobile or even a SIM card.
DOJ agrees with US Sentencing Commission that child porn guidelines are badly broken
Are reforms on the horizon?
Animal cruelty + satyr image = child porn? No. Conviction reversed
Remarkable ruling!
More than 1,000 children excluded in Kent and Medway for sexual misconduct
"They've been watching hours and hours of pornography online and it's very easy for them to access," "We've certainly seeing an increase of children who've been watching pornography and then are acting out in real life."- Claire Liley, NSPCC spokeswoman
Yeah, that's the problem! Not idiots like you reinventing "childhood" and then punishing child transgressors.
"John Walder, the Kent secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said he had witnessed sexual misconduct by pupils.
"I am profoundly depressed, in particular when you hear young children, in primary schools for instance, coming up with language which they could only have picked up from their adult background - their family or whatever," he said.
"People who allow their children to acquire the kind of vocabulary that we're talking about are stealing the childhood from children."
You're depressed, John? Well, there's always suicide!
Sex Offender Tracking Bill Even Stronger
"Tide! Now 20% Stronger To Get Out Even the Toughest Stains!!
Parents lose custody of their children for a month after they take innocent bathtime photos in to be developed at Walmart and employee calls police
And look how long it is taking them to get any justice! This has been going on since 2008!
Paedo free to prowl
"Selling insurance or double glazing? No. He's first pervert off Sex Offenders Register... now floodgates could open"
We don't quite have the equivalent of "The Sun" over here, do we? On the one hand, our laws are even more savage, in most respects, than Mother Britain's, on the other they have a completely unrestrained shrillness in their tabloid headlines where they routinely hurl the accusation "Sex Beast!". Still yet, they have much stricter limits on speech and broader libel laws. Looking at the headlines, though, one can only conclude that those laws must be being applied unevenly.
Artist Graham Ovenden accused of being paedophile
Hadn't heard of him but, then again, all of his subjects appear to be girls.
and more, here:
"She said she blanked out the memories from her childhood..."
Yes, the old "blanking out" of memories! "Better to reinvent them my dear!"
Child pornography victim loses restitution appeal
It's getting so you can't even introduce spectral evidence into court anymore!
Alan Bennett: I was Fondled By Old Men As A Child, But It Didn't Scar Me
Uh oh! Obviously he's delusional and in denial.
Oh, he's cruisin' for a bruisin' by the Tabloids, now!
Notable debate in Wisconsin over new state child porn sentencing law
“Judges should not be locked into a minimum sentence because the legislature wants to be tough on crime.”
Evangelical church accused of ignoring sexual abuse, “pedophilia ring”
The good news is that religion is on its way out...
Study links hormones, repeat sex offenders
"One hope is that the findings could eventually point toward the discovery of genes that play a role in criminal sexual behaviour.
Oh, yes! One could only hope! Remember "pheromone perfume"? How long before they start making kids wear "eau-de-anti-pedo"?
We’re Kinky, Not Crazy
"Including “paraphilic disorders” in the DSM V is redundant, unscientific, and stigmatizing."
No, they're not including us. It does give some insight into the origins of the term "ego dystonic". We are, on the other hand, "ego SYStonic"!
Bill that would return sex offenders to prison dies in committee
Wow! This is somewhat refreshing. Of course, they're going to try again. If you're in California, write to Tom Ammiano and tell him thanks as well as what not to put in this next bill.,0,2025033.story
For a more equal society, empower the children
They mean by giving children "the vote". They lose me, however, when they suggest that mothers should be allowed to vote "on behalf" of their children. So, it's really that mothers would get to vote twice rather than kids being able to vote once. This is like the feminists who purported to be representing "children's rights" by stripping kids of any modicum of self-determination. By "rights" they meant grabbing more power for themselves, acting, as they insisted they were, in the "best interests" of children. It doesn't sound so good when they explain it.
Operation Ever Vigilant Results in 25 Arrests for Possession/Distribution of Child Porn
Claimed by the State of New Jersey to be "child rape videos"
Wwhat they fail to mention is that, increasingly, simple child nudity is being considered "child pornography" and, undoubtedly "child rape".
How Americans Lost the Right to Counsel, 50 Years After 'Gideon'
This will resonate with anyone who has sat in a holding tank, just outside of a courtroom, waiting to have their first, and only, two minute consultation with a public defender in front of a dozen other prisoners, before a court appearance that will determine their future and realizing that the public defender will also be representing most of the other men in that tank, too.
Two Victories for California RSOL
She's an asshole, but we have to hand it to her.
Third Circuit panel discusses at length all the problems with SORNA
From Doug Berman's Sentencing Law and Policy blog..
"Of course, the mess could better be explained by reducing everything to the simple common denominator: the 2003 SCOTUS Smith v. Doe decision that allowed for states to post registered sex offenders on the Internet. The basis of the decision provided, for the first time, a government-sanctioned post-correctional requirement for ex-offenders to statutorily relinquish freedoms that were not demanded of other ex-offenders. Every subsequent sex offender registry law, including SORNA, has resulted from legislators in crafting felony-level laws based upon this decision. It's really that simple."
Bill would end registry listing of where sex offenders work
Self-explanatory proposal from the great state of Texas.
‘Many of them can change, they have to be given a chance’
That's what I say about sex abuse industry therapists.
Family sues to force sex offender to buy their home
Upper Milford couple want neighbor who abused their daughter to buy their house.
"There is some scientific evidence that sex offenders lower property values.
Two economics professors at Columbia Business School in 2008 studied the effect, finding that the value of homes within one-tenth of a mile of a sex offender dropped by an average of 4 percent.
Jonah Rockoff, one of the study's authors, said the decrease was about 12 percent for properties next door to sex offenders. He said subsequent studies have shown similar results.
"It's clear that having a sex offender nearby depresses the value of a home," he said. "Whether that Likeentitles the nearby homeowner to some kind of compensation is a completely separate question."
Like I said, we should start a real estate investment club. Buy the least valuable house in the neighborhood to start, move in, and start picking up the neighbor's houses for a song. Then, (assuming you are the sex offender) move out and clean up!,0,3813611,full.story
March 4, 2013
Bill Limiting Parole for Sex Offenses Passes House
Bill Limiting Parole for Sex Offenses Passes House Arkansas justice.
Ohio Court Strikes Down Ban on “Luring” Under-14-Year-Olds to Accompany Person Without Parent’s Permission
" These are very basic societal interactions going to the very idea of speech and association. By prohibiting these, the statute necessarily infringes on protected speech and conduct."T
" The State urges us to ignore the breadth of the statute because it can be selectively enforced. Even if the statute did grant the police the discretion to determine what was illegal and what was legal, similar grants of discretion to police officers have consistently been found to be unconstitutional...."
Paroled sex offenders disarming tracking devices
I should think that a sheet of aluminum foil, wrapped around the device, might temporarily accomplish the goal of "radio silence".,0,7527440.story
Should People Who Look at Child Porn Go to Prison for Thousands of Years or Only Hundreds?
American policies regarding sex offenders mark them as a special category of criminals for whom no stigma is too crippling, no regulations are too restrictive, and no penalty is too severe. This attitude, driven by fear and outrage, is fundamentally irrational, and so are its results, which make little sense in terms of justice or public safety. Like the lustful predators of their nightmares, Americans pondering the right way to deal with sex offenders seem captive to their passions.
More McNeil Island (Washington State) sex offenders gain freedom
But... "admissions to the $43-million-a-year center have steadily declined as tougher sentencing laws have taken effect. Many potential offenders who might have been sent there after prison aren’t getting out of prison in the first place." "’s unclear whether the growing number of releases are encouraging treatment – by making offenders realize there really is a pathway out – or whether offenders have simply concluded that the way out is to wait on their own aging process, making treatment not worth the work." Or the abuse by practitioners of pseudo-science.
The magical age of 10? "...there is substantial evidence that 10 is a common age for the awakening of distinct and abiding sexual attraction and desire. "
Sex Offender Program continues to grow, as state faces court order to change
The Senate has an unofficial March 15 deadline for substantial policy changes.
Missouri adds sex offenders to treatment program
The "Show Me" state puts on blindfolds and demonstrates remarkable credulity as it ramps up its "civil commitment" program.
Kid marathoner controversy brews
This has actually become controversial: i.e. a nine year old competing in running marathons. Huh? When did that happen?
Sex offenders’ $1.2M tab
For public defenders to defend them against Registration over-classification. Let's hope they bankrupt the state!
Ohio bill would commit sex predators after their prison terms
"A bill that would authorize the civil commitment of "sexually violent predators" after incarceration was introduced in the Ohio Senate last week. "
You do understand by now, I hope, that "sexual violence" requires no actual violence in the way most reasonable people understand the term.
Boy, 6, Writes 'Chocolate Bar' Book To Raise $30,000 For Friend With Rare Liver Disease
Kids are a lot more powerful than society thinks
Paedophile hunters on the prowl in Chester (U.K.)
Cancers want to spread.
Judges Are Starting To Let Child Porn Offenders Off With Less Jail Time
The judiciary (or, at least, some of it) seems to be staging their own mini-revolt against savagely cruel sentencing guidelines.
and from the same publication:
Child Porn Is A Much Bigger Problem Than You Realize
Completely uncritical reporting which relies entirely upon the allegations of professional busybodies.
Mother drowns son, nine, in the bath because she thought 'his small penis would ruin his life'
Horrifying and disturbing! Worth reminding our readers that children are more likely to be killed by their mothers than by their fathers or anyone else, for that matter.
Innocent gay man who spent 21 years in prison wants name cleared
Meanwhile, those responsible for his original show trial, such as Jane (Satullo) Shiyah, a psychologist and Pat Palumbo, of the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, who had staged a sexual-abuse puppet show for the children to elicit damning "evidence" against him and Dan Ford, the original prosecutor, have never been brought up on charges for destroying his life. This is an area that is crying out for "get tough" criminal convictions that has been completely ignored in this country. Nor, for that matter, has former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno been brought to justice for her role in similar witchhunts occurring then.
Actor who plays gay on TV's Shameless comes out as straight
Some things have improved - and dramatically.
Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian
And thank God that horrid religious fundamentalism is finally starting to self-destruct. This piece, however, is obviously the work of "The Onion"!,2888/
Warren County suspends sex offender residence ban
Beginning of the end for these extraordinarily dumb restrictions?
Indiana won't challenge sex offender-Facebook ruling
Another incredibly dumb law/trend which may be in descendancy. But Facebook itself still has a brain-dead policy of "no sex offenders allowed". Boycott Facebook! And look for, or create, liberty and free speech respecting alternatives.,0,503389.story
Iowa bill would remove statute of limitations on sex offenses involving children
"Yeah, I remember when that bastard touched me on the knee back in '65. My life just hasn't gone well ever since. Time for payback!".
Doesn't the new USSC report necessarily rebut any appellate "presumption of reasonableness" for within-guideline child porn sentences?
"this purported "presumption" is really just the means some circuits use to declare that any and every within-guideline sentence is functionally immune from substantive reasonableness review"
Sixth Circuit weighs in with instructions on restitution sentencing in child porn cases
Doug Berman predicts "The Supremes" will hear one of these insane restitution cases in the not-too-distant future. At the core of these idiotic restitution "remedies" is the unchallenged contention that "child porn" is created and distributed as the result of a thriving and profitable marketplace. It is not.
US Sentencing Commission releases big new report on federal child porn sentencing
I don't see much reason to be optimistic based upon the press release. Perhaps you would want to read the nearly 500 page report to get a better sense. I would not care to.
How the Government Turned Comic Books Into Propaganda
Do we have any sketch artists out there who would like to collaborate on a comic book? I'm actually serious, here. We are in need of that talent.
Prosecutor Shaming: Berkshire, Massachusetts Second Assistant District Attorney Robert W. Kinzer III
"Mr. Kinzer thinks we must protect "sexting" teenagers from ruining their lives . . . by ruining their lives."
Australia: Gay kids bullied by teachers as well as other students
Says study.
Children as young as eight exchanging sexual images
You do realize that those busybodies investigating such "sexual images" get to look at those images, don't you?
New scheme targets problematic sexual behaviour in children
"A £450,000 specialist treatment programme will target children who exhibit 'problematic' sexual behaviour in Bristol and South Gloucestershire."
I'm seeing a trend over in the UK. It appears they've run out of adults to persecute.
or they just pick people at random
Young boys in new sexting scandal – youngest perpetrator only 10 years old
An interesting website here, too.
Former advisor to Stephen Harper apologizes for supporting right to watch child porn
"There is no language strong enough to condemn Dr. Flanagan’s comments. Child pornography is a despicable crime that seriously harms all those involved, including the viewer".
Worth mentioning that we have fielded a request from sources unknown asking us if Flanagan is a member of NAMBLA. So they are out to get him.
Academics defend Flanagan's child porn views as public debate
Some academics are coming to the defence of former Stephen Harper strategist Tom Flanagan.
"Barry Cooper, a colleague at the University of Calgary, says people need to debate taboo topics. And he says it's a shame Flanagan has been thrown under the bus by his employers and politicians."
How radical!
How Los Angeles parks built to drive away sex offenders could backfire
"City Councilman Joe Buscaino said, "I want to do everything in my power to keep child sex offenders away from children. We have to look at some solutions and in comes the pocket park idea.""
The article poses a much more reasonable concern for the extents to which the hysterics will go to erect walls against "sex offenders".
Mix of emotion at hearing for sex offender bills
Oregon is a state to watch carefully while these changes are under consideration.
Apple blocks emails containing phrase 'barely legal teen' from iCloud in new 'anti-pornography' move
Why I'm glad that I never joined the hipster Apple cult.
Shocking Rikers Security Breach! Convicted Sex Offender Posing as Correction Staffer Roams Jails, No One Stops Him
Mind you, he was not currently a prisoner, at the time, although he was arrested as a result of this "breach". So why would anyone who has ever done time on Riker's Island (a city jail island just off Manhattan in the East River) want to get back IN?
Swarmwise; The Tactical Manual To Changing The World. Chapter One:
Rick Valkvinge is an interesting fellow who, you may recall, openly called for the legalization of child pornography last year. Here he discusses how to build a "swarm" organization.
Hold A Crypto Party
Like a Tupperware Party, only it ensures a better seal - without the burping (probably). And, had I mentioned that your life may depend upon it?
Be sure to download the CryptoPartyHandbook here!
February 27, 2013
Three bottles of gin a day and bizarre sex pranks... but new film about Monty Python's strangest star doesn't mention Graham Chapman's darkest secret
" fails to mention his passion for a 13-year-old runaway boy who, he persuaded police, was his adopted son."
Of course, this "article" does nothing BUT obsess over Chapman's taking in a gay teenage runaway. While glaring through today's prism of pedo-hysteria, they can only come to "disturbing" conclusions. And insist that all reasonable amongst their readers be so-disturbed.
Compulsive liar who cried rape 11 times is jailed: Her last victim was an innocent man who she simply 'didn't like any more'
Elizabeth Jones, 22, invented her first sex attack in 2004, when aged 13.
And this should serve to remind all of us that there are countless people, overwhelmingly male, who sit in prison today on the basis of one person's word that they were "raped". Rape, and child "sexual abuse" convictions are often built upon the least reliable of evidence.
Thousands of student arrests alarm Florida justice leaders
Thousands of Florida students are arrested in school each year and taken to jail for behavior that once warranted a trip to the principal's office — a trend that troubles juvenile-justice and civil-rights leaders who say children are being traumatized for noncriminal acts.
And a good reminder of the extent to which government schools have become prisons for kids.,0,5242672.story
Teenager had paedophile guide and thousands of child sex images
Another reminder of the inevitable direction the sex offender witchhunt has taken: arresting kids, or, in this case, just-barely-adults as "paedophiles". Note that they are also charging him for having a "paedophile guide" for "grooming" kids. We are deeply skeptical of that representation and wonder what that might possibly be.
Paterno Family Releases Critique of Freeh Report, Calling it “Factually Wrong”
Perhaps you remember Louis Freeh, former FBI Director under Prez Clinton, and his boss, Janet Reno (Giant Weeno). Waco? Ruby Ridge?
Negative Stereotypes About Boys Hinder Their Academic Achievement
Is it any wonder, after several decades of politically correct female supremacy and vilification of all things male?
Canada kills controversial internet surveillance bill
The Canadian people have taken a firm stand on warrantless attacks on privacy that their U.S. counterparts have not.
SC could privatize program for sexual predators
The manifestly unconstitutional civil committment of "sex offenders" in South Carolina, as in much of the rest of the U.S., is "growing and growing" with virtually no one released having been "treated". The state is considering outsourcing their concentration camp to the private sector to allow the mental health department to return to its core mission of providing for the mental health of South Carolinians. A glaring admission of what their S.V.P. program is providing? An acknowledgement that the Department of Mental Health does not want to operate what is so obviously a prison?
Restitution system for exploitative images of children highly problematic
"courts inadvertently endorse a ‘pay-per-view’ type system that further commodifies victims by requiring defendants to pay a fee for having viewed the images. "
Gee, just like receiving a royalty check. Could it be that Hollywood would be the better model for child pornography? Of course, that is not the conclusion they have come to. "Compensation fund a better option, says criminal justice expert"
Indiana Sex Offender Statistics: How to make good statistics look bad
How to make any data appear to support your thesis. Especially when your public is ignorant and lacking critical thinking skills.
Dark Times Ahead for Sexual Offenders in Minnesota: The POR-CPS Pipeline
"With a few new sentences, the legislature has created sweeping new mandates for reporting to county child protective services (CPS) any current or former predatory offender living in a household with children or having any unsupervised contact with children. "
Law would require registered sex offenders to pay annual fee
We've used the analogy of the Chinese charging families of the executed for the cost of the bullet, already. How about, witch burners charging the accused witches for the cost of kindling?
An Exchange Over The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA)
A loathesome endorsement for SORNA by the Federalist Society
Texas middle school teacher suspended after lassoing student
He's just at home on the range. So how do you round-up your students?
Uganda: Witchdoctor Arrested Over Child Sacrifice
This is the country that thinks gays are so evil they should be killed.
NJ Fails to Follow Federal Sex Offender Laws: Report
“The process that currently exists in New Jersey actually works,” said Vitale. “We assess offenders before they leave to determine what their likelihood is of reoffending. That would no longer happen under SORNA.”
25 People Arrested in NJ Child Porn Sting
"Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa referred to the children as victims of torture, saying that the videos and pictures uncovered show necrophilia, defined as sexual attraction for or intercourse with dead bodies, and beastiality -- mostly adults assaulting children."
He seems to be unclear on the concept of what constitutes "beastiality" (sic). And I'm highly dubious about the necrophilia claims, too.
Flats sex offender fears not valid
“We really feel it would constitute a danger to the children, should certain people try to buy those properties,” said Ms Bewick. “We would not like our children overlooked when they are out in the playground, either at playtime or when they are out doing PE.”
Lovely Two Bedroom, 1 1/2 bath modern unit with ample morning light and a splendid, breathtaking view of the neighboring school yard.
The BBC Blame Game
Something of an overview on the whole Jimmy Savile fright fest.
Teenage love-biter forced on sex crime register
In Germany, 15 year old forced to submit DNA to registry for leaving a hickey.
Pope will have security, immunity by remaining in the Vatican
It's come to this.
The Church continues to implode in cinematic slow-motion. Will the soon-to-be former pope be living under house arrest or living like Julian Assange in the Peruvian embassy?
14-Year-Old New Jersey Girl To Register As Sex Offender After Posting Nude Photos On Myspace?
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children brought it to the attention of law enforcement. Did we ever doubt that it (NCMEC) would eventually target kids themselves?
"A spokeswoman for the children’s charity NSPCC said: “Any incidents like these are a real cause for concern.
“We should also not forget that the young people perpetrating this serious abuse have often themselves experienced significant emotional deprivation and other forms of abuse.”"
Being a predator is child’s play
My new, favorite blog from one of my favorite writers.
Colorado's juvenile courts suffer from "benign neglect," new study claims
"Juvenile courts also rely on a guardian ad litem (GAL), who is supposed to act in the best interests of the child but isn't bound by attorney-client privilege. The confusion of roles has resulted in judges asking GALs to "stand in" for the juvenile's usual attorney for a plea deal or some other crucial business. "The ways in which these roles are co-mingled and confounded in juvenile courts across Colorado was alarming," the report states."
An example of juveniles having fewer rights than adults. "GALs"? Surely not a coincidence.
Convicted Child Molester Dies After Being Found At Bottom Of Prison Staircase
Murder of "sex offenders" in prison continues with unremitting savagery.
Portland: Sex offender magnet?
A shockingly intelligent article. And predictably unintelligent reader comments.
Pope favorite blames church pedophilia on gay priests
Perhaps a more "Africanized" Church is in the Vatican's future?
Did This 15-Year-Old Kid Just Change the Course of Medicine?
A fifteen year old using a "dip-stick sensor" to test for pancreatic cancer? Tell me more!
I-Team: Officers Keeping 24-Hour Watch on Sex Offender
This one just boggles the imagination! How can I get MY own 24-hour policeman? Maybe they could finally catch that graffitee artist who keeps tagging my garage door!
Michigan's sex offender registry would put more crimes involving minors online under advancing legislation
"indecent exposure when the victim is a minor, and surveillance of a minor who is undressed or wearing only undergarments in a situation where he or she has a reasonable expectation of privacy." One can only speculate as to whom, and under what circumstances, this law is commonly applied.
In a Remarkable Display of Government Stupidity on Steroids, Cops Arrest a 10-Year Old for a Toy Gun
Toy gun control. What could be next?
Offensive Ads from Mexx Kids
Speak for yourselves! I'm not in the least bit offended!
"Aren’t two of those kids little girls? Just because they haven’t developed breasts yet doesn’t make it okay to have them posing topless along with boys of the same age!" And why would that be?
Hunting paedophiles in Russia
The road to hell is paved with good intentions - and the anti-paedophile drive has sadly been no different. "
And this, from a Russian journalist. Let's hope that she manages to stay alive so that she can continue reporting.
Russian journalists practicing journalism have a habit of coming to sticky ends.
February 21, 2013
Violence Inside State Sex Offender Program Could Mean Prison Transfer
"State lawmakers are now looking to punish sex offenders who are convicted of felonies while in the Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP)."
Assaulting staff members? Making "terrorist threats"? If more civilly committed "patients" were to do so, nationwide, then perhaps there might be a rethink about this whole civil committment thing.
Russia’s Nabokov museum target of ‘paedophile’ graffiti
An endorsement or a denunciation? Presumably, the latter and a consequence of whipping up the masses into an hysteria whose origins are in English language countries, and which shows few signs of abating.
Bryan Fischer: Scouts could allow access to paedophiles by lifting anti-gay ban
oh, if only :-)
Michigan may expand online sex offender registry to include more crimes involving minors
Child porn possession is one of those "crimes" that will land you on Michigan's expanded sex offender registry.
Hawaii Lawmakers Aim to Strengthen Laws Against Sex Offenders Targeting Children
Take a look at the accompanying "map" of acceptably draconian vs. unacceptably draconian states from the fevered imaginings of Jessica's Law advocates like Bill O'Reilly of Fox News fame. One of the explicit messages often used to drum up support for greater-and-greater punitiveness is the possibility that "sexual predators" will vote with their feet and move to jurisdictions with "lax" sex offender laws.
The Civil Rights of Sex Offenders
Audio from radio station KCRW, Southern California.
NYPD Questions 7-Year-Old Boy Wilson Reyes For 10 Hours About Stolen $5
Handcuffed, questioned for hours in a precinct station, threatened with being charged with "robbery", all because he picked up a $5 bill from the ground.
also this, from the ACLU:
Home for sex offenders prompts Marysville family to move
Sex offenders "shattered their family dream" by moving next door! Did the sex offenders rape them or their children, break into their house or steal their lawn furniture? No, they just moved into the house next door. And in today's America, that is considered a "victimization" in its own right, worthy of yet more punishment of sex offenders. Could such an excalating spiral of "victimization/punishment" ever end in sane or just outcomes?
Pastor: Civil Unions Will Lead To NAMBLA Pedophilia And Gays Burning Christians At The Stake / The New Civil Rights Movement
tell me more... ;-)
California Preschool Closing After Alleged Sexual Activity Between Students
They're actually going to CLOSE the school because a four and a five year old were said to have engaged in sex play there! What's next: tearing down the building (ala Columbine or Newtown) lest the shock of its continued existence prove too overwhelming for the community?
"Their lives will be ruined in many ways," Owen said. "And we know there are many more [victims]."
Jesus, these people are just bat-shit insane! And you can bet that they will make damned sure that their kids ARE ruined, not by their consensual sexual play but by the completely unhinged reaction by adults who control their lives.
"There's no way I can just take him to another school and be that parent that just lets a predator loose," he said.
He's talking about a FIVE YEAR OLD!
Carson preschool sex case: 6 children part of lawsuit
Oh yes! Here comes the "money train"!
Birth Control & Obamacare: Religion Escalates Its War On Sex
Organized religion is working overtime to drag this country back to a time when non-marital sex was shameful, hidden, and punished with unwanted pregnancy. It’s bad enough that it wants to do that with its own believers, who are welcome to any private superstition they like. But it’s aggressively doing that to the rest of America as well, and our government is doing far too little to resist it.
Why Police Lie Under Oath
" In this era of mass incarceration, the police shouldn’t be trusted any more than any other witness, perhaps less so."
Police have every incentive to lie: they are rewarded for it! Quotas, career, money, convenience/laziness and the fraternity of the "blue code of silence".
Florence student suspended over picture of gun
"Today, in thought crimes...
Catholic group claims ‘gay’ dog rescued from death is anti-straight discrimination
"The president of a Catholic group aimed at defending religious liberties has claimed that the rescue of a dog that was due to be put down because its owner thought he was gay shows anti-straight bias".
Holy shit! This, from Bill Donahue whom you may have seen or heard in his role as an appointed defender of the faith, castigating the anti pedo priest crusaders such as "SNAP" on the one hand while conveniently contrasting the Church's righteous princes with the dastardly pedophiles of NAMBLA or B4U-Act. Catholic Church? Good! NAMBLA? Bad!
Over 90 websites shut down in 2013 for distributing child porn
In Russia, that is. A dramatic uptick in concern with subjects related to all things "child" and "sex" in Putin's republic. They have obviously realized the extraordinary value in diverting their countrymen's attention away from the realities of a nation currently spiraling downward into absolute tyranny.
Requiring Special Wristbands for Youth Out After Hours
Wouldn't yellow stars look better?
Meet the groundbreaking new encryption app set to revolutionize privacy and freak out the feds.
"Silent Circle" is a commercial product that is offered on a paid subscription basis. There are, however, a number of other approaches to securing your private communications and files from snoops which are free. Regardless of whichever approach one might use, widespread implementation of such tools has yet to catch on beyond a relatively small number of privacy activists. There is, very much, a "network effect" (the more people use something, the more valuable that thing becomes) that could only be gained from the widespread deployment of these tools, in which privacy becomes an expectation of all communications, not an exception known only to a technically sophisticated and conscientious few.
Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans
We should be disturbed to the core by the mission creep in the war on terror.
So much for electing a "Constitutional Law Scholar" president. Perhaps we should look at it as, it takes a Constitutional Law Scholar to complete subvert constitutional law!
An expensive dilemma indeed

Suffolk County, Long Island's, adventures in trailer living.
Bill to bar sex offenders from school boards advances
Because voters can't be given a choice to make up their own minds.
Arkansas Group opposes sex offender laws
Irvin’s measure, SB12, already has been passed by both houses of the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Mike Beebe. The bill prohibits sex offenders classified as Level 3 and Level 4 from entering a children’s playground or swimming area within a state park.
Convicted child killer Charles Jaynes up for parole
We very much doubt, and we certainly do hope, that this killer will NOT be released from prison. For the record, NAMBLA strongly opposes the parole of this child murderer. Please see our press release.
Cops lock down Bronx elementary school after gun rumor sparked by talk about toy
A Bronx school went into lockdown this morning after a campus aide overheard a student talking about his gun -- a toy gun it turned out, officials said.
Detectives investigating 'VIP paedophile ring' at 1980s guest house arrest two men
All the makings for a full-blown British sex scandal: Catholic priests, Members of Parliament, members of the "Royal household:, "troubled" teenagers, charity administrator's suicide, government coverups, and the obligatory "paedophile network". Scotland Yard looks back in time for explanations of what happened a quarter of a century ago. Perhaps they will next try to finally nail Jack the Ripper!
also this:
Uganda: ‘Kill the Gays’ bill back on table as Parliament reconvenes
Disappointed that she had been unable to deliver the Bill as law to the Ugandan people "in time for Christmas" she doubles down to get it passed.
Heck, she could pass for a judge at the Old Bailey!
Ayer selectman: Vets group showed 'social cowardice' toward sex offender
Principled and courageous stand against such.
Charging the condemned for the cost of the bullet:
The next three articles all talk about charging fees for the privilege of being on the sex offender
registry - which is unconstitutional!
Ark. gov. signs sex offender restrictions into law
And another bill he signed into law levies a $250 fee on "offenders" who move to Arkansas.
Idaho House to debate fee to support electronic sex offender registry
Why shouldn't the people who WANT registration be required to pay for it?
State Sen. Rick Jones Wants Sex Offenders To Pay Annual Fee
“Indiana charges $50 per year; Illinois and Ohio charge $100 per year,” Jones said in the release.
Child sex offending warning signs 'missed'
The spectral evidence is all around you, fools!
"There needs to be more awareness-raising training for professionals. A lot of things get called 'experimentation' but that should be a mutual, happy experience between two people." Call in the experts! Call in THE PAEDOPHILE GENERAL!!
New health guidelines: no birthday cake candles allowed for Australian children
So, what are they supposed to "blow"?
Controversy: Child charged as adult
The government wants it both ways: if they're 13 and an adult has sex with them, they are a child. If they are 13 and they kill someone, they are an adult.
Ordinance tightening restrictions on Cedar Rapids landlords moves ahead
Proposal would require background checks of tenants to see if prospective tenants are registered sex offenders.
The loophole in Oregon's dangerous sex offender law
Increasingly, any modicum of freedom we may have once enjoyed is seen to be a "loophole" that must now be closed.
Number of child sex website detections 'quadruple'
"THE number of web pages identified by Australian authorities as containing child sex abuse material has quadrupled since 2006."
Gee, that wouldn't be because what they consider to be "child sex abuse material" has greatly expanded, would it?
"While Australian authorities don't have absolute power to block overseas-hosted web pages, the federal government reached an agreement in November with some service providers who volunteered to block 1432 websites contained on an Interpol "worst of the worst" blacklist."
One wonders what the criteria is when they include such things as "pages offering pedophiles tips on how to avoid detection." Uh huh! I would be terribly curious to see what Interpol considers to be "the worst of the worst".
Mississippi Just Arrests School Kids for Anything, Including Farting
I'm surprised that it isn't considered a sex crime. "A new report from the Advancement Project, a civil rights group, says that Mississippi's schools place kids in a "pipeline to prison," using the juvenile criminal justice system as a replacement for normal school discipline." Ranked at the very bottom for student achievement in the U.S., it ranks tops for paddling (and felonious farting, apparently)!
Why Tweeting MLK's "I Have a Dream" Speech Now Constitutes Civil Disobedience
Why copyright law should change.
'Social workers too concerned with labelling children who abuse'
"Home Office statistics reveal 30 to 35% of all sexual assaults are carried out by a young person, and that's a significant underestimation,"
"professionals are often too concerned about labelling children and young people who sexually abuse others."
That's right, we need to be "labeling" and pathologizing, more kids!
Police Fear Accused Boy-Tickler May Have More Victims
So tickling is a crime?
Swarming a Book Online
Amazon rating vigilantes!
Tom O'Carroll isn't the only one to raise the ire of MJ fans.
How Internet Companies Would Be Forced to Spy on You Under H.R. 1981
"It’s sad to see our legislators using the mantle of child pornography to order Internet companies to spy on users, forcing ISPs to keep mountains of unnecessary data about innocent Internet subscribers in the hopes that it might one day be useful to law enforcement. That’s exactly why Representative Zoe Lofgren proposed an amendment to rename the bill the 'Keep Every American's Digital Data for Submission to the Federal Government Without a Warrant Act of 2011.'
This type of legislation goes against the fundamental values of our country where individuals are treated as innocent until proven guilty. H.R. 1981 would uproot this core American principle, forcing ISPs to treat everyone like a potential criminal.
Help us defeat the Internet spying bill. Contact Congress today."
Pedophilia, Preemptive Imprisonment, and the Ethics of Predisposition
Good piece and with excellent comments, following it, including from Tom O'Carroll.
And then there are the "Virpeds", who make an appearance.
Man/Boy Love: The Great Taboo
A non-boy lover's principled and courageous stance for boys and the men who love them.
Peter Tatchell: The UK should look at lowering the age of consent to 14
Unfortunately, he starts with a good, strong statement and then proceeds to pull his punches with great timidly.
Facebook Sex Offenders Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By Indiana Court
Facebook, itself, could still ban sex offenders (and it does) but the State of Indiana cannot. The difference? Criminal penalties. Even if you're not a registered sex offender, I recommend boycotting Facebook.
The Price of a Stolen Childhood
So the governvment re-opens their "wounds" every time they contact the "victims", just to make sure they feel victimized.
How 'Stop and Frisk' Is Too Often a Sexual Assault by Cops on Teenagers in Targeted NYC Neighborhoods
"Teenagers are harassed and violated in ways you can't imagine." Try us.
Families of Registered Sex Offenders: “Remove Misleading Statistics from Web”
“While we applaud Parents for Megan’s Law for their mission to protect children, as an entity that is funded in part with public funds, they have an obligation to not mislead the public through the misuse of statistics, such as presenting a study of a sub-set of dangerous recidivists and presenting those findings as representative of the entire population of former sex offenders”.
Islington gran keeps children at home for fear of paedophile attacks
The fascism of grandmothers.
Report: Hundreds of Sex Offenders Released Before Completing Treatment
Despite the headline, I find no evidence that they have "released hundreds of sex offenders" in Minnesota.
Game to destroy CCTV cameras: vandalism or valid protest?
Activists in Berlin are teaming up to trash surveillance cameras. Points are given, with bonus scores for the most innovative modes of destruction.
Maybe we need something like this.
Showdown looming over predictive accuracy of actuarials
" If the problem is unsolvable, as critics maintain, then actuarial tools such as the Static-99 and VRAG should be barred from court, where they can literally make the difference between life and death."
Bill Aims To Prevent Group Living By Convicted Sex Offenders
The law would require that all sex offenders live at least 500 feet away from each other.
The bill they would like to push through is the one where sex offenders are just not allowed "to live" at all.
‘Isle of paedos’: Wight jails to hold only sex offenders
"One of Britain’s favourite holiday hotspots is set to hold ONLY sex offenders in its jails."
The New Temper Tantrum Disorder
Will the new diagnostic manual for psychiatrists go too far in labeling kids dysfunctional?
Rethinking Restitution in Cases of Child Pornography Possession
An academic paper you can download for free. And, if you do, please tell me what conclusions she came to.
February 17, 2013
Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light
The Jimmy Savile scandal caused public revulsion, but experts disagree about what causes paedophilia - and even how much harm it causes
Wonderful quotes:
""persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".
"it is shocking to realise how dramatically attitudes to paedophilia have changed in just three decades". Indeed!
"There are a lot of people who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."
Azov Films Prosecutions:
The Azov Films secret mass arrest conspiracy in the USA - when police secretly redefine law
"What would you think if you did something that appeared to be perfectly legal, only to find yourself, two years later, being raided, handcuffed, denied bail, denounced as a freak in your hometown newspaper, and threatened with five to twenty years in prison? What if, to your total shock, the reason for all this turns out to be that prosecutors had decided to aggressively reinterpret an existing law, one that lawyers had stated you would not be breaking? What would you think if there were dozens of cases like yours, and yet the authorities involved were making every possible effort to keep you and the public from finding out them and about their true nature?"
Is the U.S. on the verge of considering all images of naked children to be child pornography and, thus, a serious felony?
For some background on Azov, itself, which was closed down by government officials but used later to entrap those on its customer list by U.S. Postal authorities. Material being called "child pornography" is said to be simple child nudity.
The Azov Films mass-state-rape: details of Dr. Richard Keller and other arrestees
"But what's interesting is that the children were always laughing."
Congress passes bill to double statutory maximum for child porn possession
And this, at a time when many federal judges are urging a "rethink" about absurdly draconian child porn possession sentence. So, naturally, Congress will just double it!
Todd Hoffner child porn charges dropped; "It is private, family speech," judge rules
So does that mean he would be allowed to sell it?
Former basketball star allegedly stabbed to death by wife in his sleep after she caught him looking at child porn
"I caught him looking at pornography, young girls, I love kids. I had to do it."
and, apropos of the above:
Women Who Kill Their Family Members
by Charles E. Corry, Ph.D.
Citing hunt for pedophiles, Dutch government to make refusing to help decrypt computer a crime
The Dutch are becoming increasingly unhinged. One of the few remaining advantages of the U.S., for the time being is that the government can't make us give them evidence against ourselves. Be aware, however, if a U.S. citizen tells someone over the phone, for example, that they have illegal material in an encrypted file, and the courts can produce such a record of him or her making such a statement, then they CAN be compelled to turn over the password or face contempt of court charges.
Government watchdog: Warrantless laptop searches at border are A-OK
Those returning to the U.S. after that trip abroad need to be aware that you have, essentially, ZERO privacy rights when passing through U.S. Customs. If you can do without that laptop (or any other web enabled device) you can save yourself the hassle of having to try to get it back after it gets seized, on the one hand, or having to wait for hours in an airport back room while some highly-paid, low-intelligence government stooge rifles through all of your files, on the other. They are more likely to detain you while they search but they can, if they feel like it, keep your electronics and have been known to not give them back. Keep in mind, cameras and the digital media upon which their images are stored (or film, if you are still using that) are also subject to a similar thorough-going search or seizure. If you are on the "Sex Offender" Registry, the chances appear to be excellent that you will be detained and searched. However, as long as you do not have outstanding warrants and you give them nothing to charge you with, they will let you go after the search and interview. But the laptop, ipad, camera, etc. will s-l-o-w down the encounter. And it is stressful. And if you don't have a computer (or smartphone or ipad or camera, or memory devices) with you, they can't demand your password.
Be prepared that they will ask you the following questions (and they may ask far more and also repeat their questions to trip you up)
- where have you been?
- why did you go there?
- who were you travelling with?
- what did you do there?
- who did you meet with (sometimes they don't ask this one, possibly because it is so ridiculous).
Depending on the agent (some are pretty decent), they are capable of scrutinizing absolutely everything on your person and in your luggage. If it's on a piece of paper, they can read it.
They will often ask you far more questions than you are legally required to answer. But remember always: if you lie to them, and they can prove it - even if the lie is completely innocuous and without consequence - they can arrest you and charge you with false reporting. So, if you don't want to answer, tell them you are exercising your right to remain silent but, DO NOT LIE! You still have rights and one of them is to decline to answer. However, be polite when doing so, unless you want to have an even more stressful encounter and you have nerves of steel and find hostile and escalated exchanges with government agents a fun challenge. So, just tell them nicely that you are exercising your right to keep quiet.
Be aware that they will not let you use your cellphone while you are being detained in Customs. Amongst other things, this is one of those rights which they claim you do not possess. They're big on that; i.e. making claims about what they are allowed to do and what you do not have the right to do.
But hey, don't let me discourage you; go out there and exercise your Constitutional right to travel (while you still can). Many of us still do. Just know what to expect when you come back to the good ole' U.S. and A. and be prepared for it.
Will Virtuous Pedophiles do any good?
In a word: no. They are the B.L. Uncle Toms, the James Cantor glee club, sanctimonious therapy monkeys. Tom O'Carroll goes much easier on them than I would have.
Elmo Sex Scandal: Kevin Clash Faces Third Underage Sex Allegation
Fondle me, Elmo?
California Law Isn't Unfair to Sex Offenders, AG Says
Attorney General Kamala Harris is a "liberal" California feminist with nothing but contempt for the rights of "sex offenders".
Campaign to tackle child abuse begins in earnest
Because, up 'till now, they just haven't been earnest enough! And by abuse, they just mean sex.
'Witches coven' child sex abuse case: Witness gives harrowing interview to court
Our readers, however, will find details of the case both improbable and journalistically mendacious. The Truth About Recidivism Rates In Sex Offenders
"sex offenders were less likely than non-sex offenders to be rearrested for ANY criminal offense -
43 percent of sexual offenders versus 68 percent of non-sex offenders."
Tor Operator (Austria) Faces Child Porn Charges After Illegal Images on Exit Node Found
"Weber worries that his arrest could set a precedent that Tor operators be hed liable for content that is transmitted through their Tor networks. Like web hosting providers, Tor operators process huge amounts of data and are not necessarily aware of what kind of data their users are transmitting."
Dumb Criminal of the Week: The Job Candidate Who Told the FBI about His Child Porn Stash
So did they hire him?
Finding Sex in the Bill of Rights
A fascinating insight into the ACLU's role in defending sexual freedoms. At least, adult's.
New study finds federal sex offender law not effective
"federal tier-based sex offender registration and management system put in place in 2006 does not predict risk of recidivism by sex offenders"
O.C. sex offender law is ruled illegal
Let's celebrate by having a picnic!
DSM 5 Is Guide Not Bible—Ignore Its Ten Worst Changes
According to Dr. Allen Frances, "The history of psychiatry is littered with fad diagnoses that in retrospect did far more harm than good. "
"Psychiatric diagnosis has become too important in selecting treatments, determining eligibility for benefits and services, allocating resources, guiding legal judgments, creating stigma, and influencing personal expectations to be left in the hands of an APA that has proven itself incapable of producing a safe, sound, and widely accepted manual."
APA rejects "hebephilia," last standing of three novel sexual disorders
"The unequivocal rejection sends a strong signal of the American Psychiatric Association's continuing reluctance to be drawn into the civil commitment quagmire, where pretextual diagnoses are being invoked as excuses to indefinitely confine sex offenders who have no genuine mental disorders. In marked contrast with the field of psychology, psychiatry leaders have expressed consistent concerns about the use of psychiatric labels to justify civil detention schemes."
Sex criminal register does not work as a deterrent: report (Netherlands)
But will hysteria prevail?
Track crime on net or we’ll see more people die
Warning to Nick Clegg on terrorists, crooks and paedos
Home Secretary Theresa May today warns MPs who oppose new powers to probe the internet: “Do not put politics before people’s lives.”
The Home Secretary from Hell.
Theresa May criticised after saying opponents put politics before people's lives
God, how long will this woman be Home Secretary?
Paperboy is innocent victim of a vigilante
A BATTERED paperboy told last night how a vigilante spat in his face without warning before smashing his jaw apart in a savage street assault.
Doubling Down On Secrecy: ITU Believes Secret Media Strategy Key To Avoiding SOPA/ACTA Fate
"the ITU is making its play to regulate the internet, potentially to aid authoritarian governments in censoring or limiting the internet"
Jessica in the Supreme Court?
"Given the increasingly dire housing situations some sex offenders face, it is just a matter of time until the nation sees a major legal challenge of housing restrictions, Harris said. “I think we’ll see a case at the (U.S.) Supreme Court within the next five years,” he said. "
Bid for anti-pedophile alliance
"OFFICIALS from the 27 EU member states and 22 other countries, including the US, Australia and New Zealand, are launching a global alliance targeting online child sexual abuse."
Snake-oil Gene is not so able
Tom O'Carroll on the miracle mind test that often determines who goes free and who dies in custody.
Afghan Children Legitimate Targets, Says U.S. Lt. Col., As They Might Have "Hostile Intent"
When the govt isn't busy pretending to be protecting kids, it's busy killing
Fourth Circuit rejects feds' effort to commit "sexually dangerous person" under AWA
Nazareth man sentenced for sending 'warm, cozy' texts to 12-year-old
" a Northampton County judge sent a Nazareth man to state prison Friday for sending inappropriate text messages to a 12-year-old girl, saying he wanted to make her feel "warm and cozy."
"Police said they found 25 texts from Rothrock to the girl, saying he wanted to massage her and asking for photos of her exposed stomach, court records state."Did you realize that was a crime?,0,1909564.story
The search for paedophiles is more carnival than witch-hunt
With more arrests this week, the world of light entertainment itself is being turned upside down by a raucous mob
SW Mich. police investigate "sexual crime" in kindergarten class
"Parents at East Side Middle School in Constantine, which is in St. Joseph County, say they received a letter informing them that police were investigating a “sexual crime” that happened between 5-year-old boys.",0,2893064.story
State Sex Offender Registry Differs From Federal Guidelines
"Indiana’s constitution does not require sex offenders who were convicted prior to the creation of the registry in 1994 to register now, because those cases are considered “ex post facto,” or after the fact. However, the U.S. Supreme Court’s guidelines do not consider sex offender convictions ex post facto and say that any offender should be currently registered. It is a policy many other abide by, making Indiana’s guidelines rare."
Convicted murderer strangles cellmate to death at Cummins
"victim was serving a 48-month sentence for failure to register as a sex offender."
Sex offenders' online activities monitored
The Triage system will send North Yorkshire Police's eight public protection officers an alert if registered sex offenders type certain words.
Prop 35: Sex Offender Act Could Have Unforeseen Privacy Consequences
Proposition 35 will create a situation in which a select group of people will have their online anonymity prohibited
New law to target child sex offenders
New federal law increases the punishment for possessing child pornography to 20 years in prison and will also help stream-line investigations. Signed by Obama.
Man sentenced for "incest comics" on his computer
It's come to this.
German Church Study Says Sex Abuser Priests Rarely Pedophiles
Oh thank God for that!
They Can Do That?! 10 Outrageous Tactics Cops Get Away With
"Sometimes a cop gives you a command, but phrases it as a question, like, “Would you open your bag so I can look inside?” If you're anything like the vast majority of people in the United States, you have no idea that you're under no lawful obligation to answer in the affirmative. You can, legally speaking, ask if you are being detained, and if the answer is no, you are free to walk away. Or at the very least, not open your bag."
Young teenagers 'turned into criminals by sex texts': Increasing numbers being arrested with many ending up on sex offenders' register
"Critics say the increasing sexualisation of children is partly the result of easy access to porn on the internet." Uh, yeah, that's the reason!
Police investigating allegations senior UK politicians abused children in the 1980s and used 'connections' to escape justice
"Adults claim that they were sexually assaulted as children by MPs in a paedophile ring". I always suspected Frances Urquhart.
Attorney General Secretly Granted Gov. Ability to Develop and Store Dossiers on Innocent Americans
The U.S. attorney general recently gave the National Counterterrorism Center sweeping new powers to store dossiers on U.S. citizens, even if they are not suspected of a crime.
Thought "Total Information Awareness" went down to defeat a decade ago? They just renamed it and did it anyway.
Sex Offender Polygraph Policy Changes
now requiring multiple lie detector tests every year from these offenders on probation
And guess what? Those on probation have to pay for the privilege.
Paedophile net: Did Operation Ore change British society?
"Operation Ore may be over. But its legacy persists. It was the event above all others that robbed British society of its innocence about the internet." British society innocent? I think not.
For young sex offenders, a new Scarlet Letter
The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) requires teens convicted of serious sex offenses to be registered in a database for 25 years. Previously, only adult sex offenders were registered.
New York A.G. removes 2,100 sex offenders from online games
"The Internet is the crime scene of the 21st century, and we must ensure that online video game platforms do not become a digital playground for dangerous predators," Schneiderman said today in a statement. "That means doing everything possible to block sex offenders from using gaming systems as a vehicle to prey on underage victims."
Three decade sentence and huge (record?) restitution sentence in federal child porn case from Texas
former president of Pan American Airways, who was convicted in May of five counts relating to child pornography. Has to pay <$5 MILLION restitution! And go to prison for the rest of his life.
Sex offender behind anti-paedophile site
Kansas Sexual Predator Treatment Program could face another audit
only three individuals have been released since the program began in 1994
Russia's Supreme Court backs bill on life isolation of pedophiles
Russia's Supreme Court has backed the bill allowing to banish pedophiles to reservations after they are released from prison.
“This is not an exile, in such places people will be able to be with their families and friends,” Tarlo said. “But they will be under supervision, reporting on all their movements, and will no more be allowed to reoffend and get lost in a big city.”
Calls for legal child sex rebound on luminaries of May 68
How times have changed. Who would have predicted, back then, that the "fascism of mothers" or fathers, for that matter, could get so much worse?
Mall Santa stuns shy 3-year-old deaf boy: Uses sign language to ask whether he’s been naughty or nice
Cheerleading coach cuts plea deal with prosecutors after admitting giving oral sex to 17-year-old boy student
"By cutting a plea deal with prosecutors, Megan Crafton, 22, avoided having to register as a sex offender. Crafton admitted to police that she had performed oral sex on a 17-year-old student at Shelbyville High School, where she worked as a cheerleading coach. "
Needless to say, she's "hot", The "highly attractive woman" defense?
Sex Offender, Child Luring Laws to Take Effect
"A bill sponsored in 2012 by State Sen. Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) will prohibit sex offenders from participating in holiday events involving children as of Jan. 1. "
"The best predictor of future behavior is …
Past as prelude. So neat, so clean. So full of certitude. Like a fortune cookie Confucianism. Something you might hear on CSI: Special Victims Unit. A maxim cited by pop psychologist "Dr. Phil" McGraw, in one of his many self-help books.
Tamaqua 7th grader suspended for pointing finger 'gun' at classmates
"Police said the boy will be charged with disorderly conduct and will be suspended from school."
What about deaf students using sign language?
Don't they pose an especial danger?
The Boy Who Played With Fusion
Some kids really ARE rocket scientists!
'Vigilante' cracks down on possible pedophile with unusual crimes
Self-appointed "federal agent". And indistinguishable, in most cases, from actual federal agents.
Beach boys heroic at holiday hotspot
Real lifesavers!
Criminals will be tracked by satellite with new electronic tags that use GPS technology
"They can be used to ensure convicted sex offenders are not near schools, with an alarm triggered if they come within a set distance of the premises."
Chemical castration for pedophiles in the pipeline in Turkey: report
"Other expected changes to be made in the new law is to take off the requirement to have an expert report from the Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK) in rape cases to prove that the victim’s psychology has been negatively affected. " Got that? Removal of the requirement that actual damage occurred.
Paedophile Ferguson fought to the end
And Australia's professional busybodies can barely contain their glee at news of his death.
Why do states charge for criminal background checks, but the sex offender registry is free?
"Enforcing the sex offender laws costs a ton of money, so why not start charging people to use them? Then you could use that money to help pay for the costly laws!"
'I know why he pulled the trigger': High school student, 17, suspended for writing a poem about Sandy Hook shooter
Because we live in a society which has become wholly incapable of intelligently assessing risk.
Boy, Not Making Bombs, Arrested for Having Things Cops Think Could Blow Up
(And For Making Drawings That Spooked a Teacher)
Again, we are now plagued by adults with vanishingly few skills in properly judging threat.
Court orders first 'chemical castration' of pedophile
South Korea catches up with the "state-of-the-art" sex offender treatment.
Homeless LGBT Youth Represent Up To 40 Percent Of Those On The Streets
Nothing new, there.
Ron Wyden On FISA Reauthorization: 'There's Going To Be Extraordinary Anger'
But not enough, it would seem, for the American people to do anything about.
US: Anti-gay evangelist Scott Lively to stand trial for ‘crimes against humanity’
For playing a part in the controversial Ugandan ‘kill the gays’ bill.
SVP verdict overturned for prosecutorial misconduct after Prosecutor again impugned defense witness in hebephilia case
Kids told to keep clothes on as police keep watch for paedophiles at Maslin Beach Nude Olympics
Don't look now, but child nudity is about to become completely extinct.
How can we prevent child abuse if we don't understand paedophilia?
"If we want to keep children safe from sexual harm, then surely knowing what we’re dealing with would be a good first step.
And the way to understand them? Don't challenge any of your basic assumptions about pedophilia or its ostensible traumatogenic properties."
District Judge at resentencing continues to resist federal child porn guidelines even after Sixth Circuit reversal
One lonely judge with integrity and guts.
State Supreme Court to hear Jessica's Law challenge
Attorney General Kamala Harris, seemingly modeled, in part, on Oprah Winfrey, will fight it.
New law enforcement tool finds sex offenders at local malls
"A $500,000 federal grant has enabled the sheriff’s department to equip four vehicles with highly sensitive cameras that capture and process license plate information. The grant also funds overtime needed to patrol high traffic areas like schools, parks and malls."
Because, how DARE they shop!
Cameron Rejects Making Age Of Consent 14
Not that anyone in British government was seriously considering it. He finds the very thought "repulsive!"
"The change was among ideas floated by the Number 10 policy unit after being asked to come up with new ways of giving the public more personal freedoms in everyday life." So much for personal freedom!
EU police agency opens cybercrime unit to tackle pedophiles, fraudsters online
Are you familiar with "Europol"?
Debate About Definition of Paedophilia Must Not Mask Reality of Child Abuse
Yes, after reading that amazingly refreshing article in The Guardian, let's get back to what really matters: beating the brain-dead hysterical victim drum and monopolizing the discussion.
The Sad History of the Kid-Sized Handcuffs
Very sad, indeed. And even sadder, they're still making them and using them.
Anti-gay activist found guilty of filming child porn
Lawyer will face 25 years in prison for forcing her 14-year-old daughter to have sex with two men on camera. Of course! We would have expected nothing less.
Freedom fighters come in all sizes.
Sammamish boy drums to different beat, video goes viral
Little Drummer Boy, in between loads of laundry.
The readers' editor on… why there should be no taboo subjects in a serious newspaper
Jon Henley's 'crime' was to have tried to write rationally about a subject – paedophilia – which, according to one blog, 'nobody should try to be rational about'
Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring
The great advantage "journalists" have in making up stories about people after they have died: no libel laws protect the dead!
Judge okays child sex
Gotcha goin' didn't we? Judge okays child sex for children. In New Zealand. The newspaper later apologized for the headline after some outraged "child savers" voiced their disapproval. |