June 18, 2013
Google seeks to scrub Web of child porn
Google Suddenly Becomes Evil! Seeks to 'eradicate' 'child porn' from the Web.
This from Jacqueline Fuller, the director of Google Giving: "We're in the business of making information widely available, but there's certain 'information' that should never be created or found," Fuller wrote. "We can do a lot to ensure it's not available online -- and that when people try to share this disgusting content they are caught and prosecuted."
What with the greatly expanding definition of what constitutes 'child porn' (i.e. simple child nudity), it will be very interesting to see what the web looks like in the not-too-distant future. Greek statues, vases, 19th century romantic era paintings, Sally Mann and Jock Sturges photos (of course some of those have already disappeared from the web) etc.?
Urgent Notice: If you are using Picasa or Google images or storing photos on Google Drive, Google will subject the contents - what you had thought were your private files (and even when you do not make them available to anyone else), to inspection by Google's 'bot's for discerning "inappropriateness'.
We have recently become aware of one Google user who had collected 19th century romantic era paintings of subjects of all kinds in his Google account and one, depicting two young men in their late teens lounging nude (and no, not even touching each other or themselves nor, for that matter showing frontal nudity) generated an 'urgent' notice (in unmistakeable fire engine red) alerting him that it had deemed this image (which is available from many other places on the web, including on Wikipedia) as 'inappropriate'.
That, of course, begs the question: what happens now? Are they going to report it to the F.B.I.? To the odious NCMEC with whom they have now cozied up to? Or will they simply make a note in their files or punish such naughty users with removal from their service? Or just require the removal of the image? Great questions. I guess we will find out in the fullness of time.
It's time to communicate our displeasure with Google with our feet, inconvenient though that may be.
NSA-proof encryption exists. Why doesn’t anyone use it?
Supposedly because of its 'inconvenience'. I would argue; political oppression and imprisonment are pretty inconvenient, too! Now, we have EVERY REASON for utilizing it in light of recent announcements from Edward Snowden as well as Google, itself. And, for goodness' sake: start exercising your rights by utilizing public key encryption (GPG) in your communication and TrueCrypt to secure your harddrive! Both of them receive raves from the crypto gurus and, besides that, they are completely FREE!
The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil’
At this point, and after giving Google the benefit of the doubt for years, it's time to take Julius Assange's, and our own suddenly escalated misgivings, seriously.
Time to plan for an escape velocity out of Google's cloud/orbit.
What We Don't Know About Spying on Citizens: Scarier Than What We Know
Bruce Scheier is on the job and he should be a must-read for anyone concerned with our rapidly disappearing liberties.http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/what-we-dont-know-about-spying-on-citizens-scarier-than-what-we-know/276607
10 Signs You're Living in a Police State
Well, I'd say the author pulls a few punches and could have provided far more evidence (and it is abundantly available) that we are, indeed, living in a police state. Still, worth a read anyway. http://news.discovery.com/human/10-signs-you-live-in-a-police-state-130612.htm
Children Have Less Satisfaction in United States, Country Has One of the Highest Poverty Rates Among Developed Nations
That's because, amongst other things, they're not allowed to have sex.
Why Queers Should Care About Sex Offenders
Psychotherapist working in private practice with sexual minorities and young adults makes a case for gays (re-)opening their minds a bit.
"The same methods historically used by the government to imprison and pathologize homosexuality and gender variation are being used today to justify the extreme marginalization, lifetime institutionalization, and oppression of people who have violated sex laws. Sex offenders are the new queers."
Maria Miller demands talks with big internet firms on web pornography
Google and Facebook among those invited to meeting on policing content in wake of Woolwich attack and Bridger verdict.
God, does she ever look nasty!
See, this is what happens when you get to be huge like Google and Facebook: you find yourself cowering on bended-knee before sanctimonious local tyrants like this awful female asshole, seeking favor.

Google, Facebook, Bing under fire for not enough anti-child porn funding in the U.K.
It's called 'BLACKMAIL'.
also here:
Art involving 'obscene' Justin Bieber collage triggers possible charges for Melbourne aritist Paul Yore

So if I pasted a picture of a young adult's face onto a picture of a child's body and then pasted a picture of an adult-sized dildo onto that child's body and then simulated the whole thing "peeing" into a sink, that would be child porn? The question is, who is going to get off on that? I mean sexually, not legally. Can you imagine doing time for that? And then trying to explain to the hostile prisoners precisely what you were there for?
Child-Porn Suspect Ordered to Decrypt His Own Data
Can one be compelled to produce a password? Yes, no, maybe? This is (obviously) in flux since we have been hearing very contradictory opinions over the last several months and may be headed towards the Supremes. "Meanwhile, a failure to comply with the decryption order might result in a contempt charge, landing Feldman in jail pending compliance. Alleging you forgot your password presents a host of other legal issues."
Guess what? Forgetting your password - even if you really did - will be looked upon as "contempt". Well, that we hold our justice system in 'contempt', there can be no doubt.
Child sex offenders face legal crackdown
A new (New Zealand) law will target adults who have "inappropriate" communications with children and child porn offenders. When the merely "inappropriate" becomes a crime.
Consensual child sex ruling looms
"The Constitutional Court is to hear a case on Thursday to confirm a court ruling that the law should not make it a criminal offence for children aged 12 to 15 to have consensual sex."There seems to be much support amongst the Kiwis for not going down that very ugly road.
Riding the donkey of their desires
A few accounts of Victorian-era British boylovers "going native", "mixing it up a bit" and "having a go" in her Majesty's once far-flung colonies.
Maryland Sex offender registration requirement challenged
Corrections officials defy court order to remove offender's name from database
"The Court of Appeals ruled in March that Haines, 53, should not be named on the sex offender registry because the database did not exist at the time of his crime and registration would be a form of retroactive punishment, which the Maryland Constitution doesn't allow."
It would seem pretty clear-cut wouldn't it? But that doesn't take into account government's increasing defiance of judicial rulings. We have been seeing, more-and-more, government officials simply refusing to comply with court orders nationwide, from the President, on down. Those like California Governor Jerry Brown are discovering the populist-backed powers they wield to defy judicial checks and constraints.
‘Operation Yewtree is a juggernaut, out of control’
When Barbara Hewson made stinging criticisms onspiked about the post-Savile witch hunt, there was a media storm. Now, she responds.
Teen with higher IQ than Einstein once told he had no future
Still, he can't get that blowjob, despite his obvious intellectual superiority to the entirety of Canada's Parliament.
Reminds me of a friend of mine who's parents were told he would never be able to speak or to read. He later became a defense attorney (having put himself through law school by prostituting himself) but gave it all up to become, once again, a prostitute! He just couldn't continue to demean himself in the criminal justice system.
Earliest Child Abuse Case Discovered In Ancient Egyptian Cemetery
Disturbing, even after several millennia.
Police charge boy, 14, with child pornography offences
There is every reason to believe that most 'child porn' is produced by children or adolescents, themselves.
Inquiry call for new 'sexting' law
Australia rides the wave of hysteria.
Woman, 36, charged after having baby fathered by 11-year-old boy
Supposedly, she forced him. I would like to make the point that it is rarely possible to discern the truth once it has been processed by cops, prosecutors, shrinks and journalists. If she forced him, then she deserves to be prosecuted. But we (the public) can almost never really know for sure.
Hotline child porn reports surge
If you see something titillating, say something self-expiating.
Iowa sex offenders unit to remove bathroom cameras
Many facilities for 'S.V.P.'s provide no bathroom privacy at all, forcing 'detainees' (we refuse to call them 'patients') to relieve and bathe themselves in full view of everyone. Just like in prison. Even though they have served their time.
Japan Cartoonists Association, Others Oppose New Child Pornography Revision Bill
Did you know that the term for boy-love in Japanese is Shōnen-ai ?: 少年愛 【しょうねん-あい】 And comics representing it have been a legitimate market. Until now.
Association formed to pitch ‘Lolita fashion’ to the world
This is also in Japan, of course.
Mother sues 200+ 'pedophiles' who viewed child porn featuring her children
Pay-per-view, apparently.
Still unquestioned is the assumption that there is a market for child pornography in which money trades hands. There is not.
China activists launch campaign against paedophiles: 'Call me, not schoolchildren'
Yeah! Youth has nothing on these women.
Calling for "tough new laws" against paedophiles. China is on its way.
Why children may want to keep a secret
Tom O'Carroll's blog deserves frequent mention.
Nigeria bans same-sex marriages with 14-year prison term
The vicious anti-gay measures taking place in many countries in Africa is all down to the influence of both fundamentalist Islam and fundamentalist Christianity.http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/05/30/nigeria-bans-same-sex-marriages-with-14-year-prison-term
June 5, 2013
What Do You Know About Twitter?
A sobering insight into one of the twitterati at Twitter and her former key role in Perverted Justice and NBC's "To Catch A Predator". She now appears to be the head of Twitter's "Safety" team. Keep it in mind. Facebook or Twitter: which one is worse?
Five myths about missing children
This is rich coming from David Finkelhore. "Dr. Finkel-whore, haven't you caused enough trouble?".
Texas House Passes Domestic Violence Registry Legislation
Finally! Some company!
Notable new Oregon bill to allow some young sex offenders to get off registry
Will such a plan ever be extended to adult "offenders" ? The trend for reform invariably involves the artificial construction of acceptable age-ranges within which sex can occur, ostensibly, with less "harm". Never mind that there is no evidence of "harm" in much more age-disparate experiences.
Attorney-client privilege trumps child abuse reporting law, court rules
"Elijah W. ruling clarifies thorny issue in California"
A modest win for those fighting the forcible conscription of shrinks into the war on sex.
We sneered at the tabloid obsession with paedophiles.
"But complacency is what let Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall get away with it."
Yes, that's right. The message now is that the British weren't hysterical enough.
Accused headmaster turned me into pedophile, says convicted cleric Peter Gilbert
"A CLERGYMAN who allegedly raped boys at a north Queensland boarding school in the 1960s has claimed he was ordered to take female hormones by his headmaster, who encouraged the "romantic love" of children among staff.Former Anglican brother Peter Gilbert - sentenced to seven years' jail in 2006 for the rape and indecent assault of children in the 1980s in South Australia - has blamed St Barnabas headmaster the late Robert Waddington for turning him into a pedophile. "
I can't read it because it's behind a paywall but the headline alone is quite entertaining.
The radical rehab programme for Scotland's sex offenders
The "Good Lives" program! Doesn't that sound appealing? The Good Lives!
Deprived children hit by garda vetting delay
St Vincent de Paul warns backlog is harming recruitment of volunteers"
Yes, but at least they won't receive any warmth or affection from paedophiles!
Pence signs into (Indiana) law changes to sex offender registry
"to remove information from the online public portal of the sex offender registry relating to a sex or violent offender who no longer is required to register or is deceased. " Golly, how enlightened!
"The new law also adds the vehicle identification number of the vehicle owned or regularly operated by the offender to the information he or she is required to provide for sex offender registration. Driver’s licenses or ID cards must contain the offender’s current address and physical description." http://www.theindianalawyer.com/pence-signs-into-law-changes-to-sex-offender-registry/PARAMS/article/31458
Minnesota Sex offender bill draws GOP opposition
"bill authorizes the creation of alternatives to the the high-security, prison-like hospitals in St. Peter and Moose Lake. With a judge’s approval, some sex offenders could be transferred into smaller facilities spread across the state. Every other year, patients’ treatment progress would be reviewed to determine if they are in the right setting."
"Though the bill is only taking these modest first steps... lawmakers who vote for it could be “spun as being soft on crime and soft on sex offenders.” They’re worried that constituents will complain about sex offenders being housed near them, even in a secure setting. And a sex offender who gets released and re-offends could be wielded as a potent political weapon against anyone who voted for a reform bill. Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Good Thunder, said before the 5-3 vote that he doesn’t think the bill will make it to the House floor. He said the bill would get either one or no Republican votes, and predicted some Democrats would peel off. “Why would they stick their neck out?” he said.
Assistant Rhode Island Attorney General says Providence spent $50,000 in one year notifying schools about sex offenders living in vicinity
Of course, the schools could have simply looked online to get the same useless information.
Jacob Barnett, 14-Year-Old With Asperger's Syndrome, May Be Smarter Than Einstein
Even so, he cannot consent to a blow job, unlike Albert Einstein.
The moral lynching of Barbara Hewson
The crusade against the ‘whore’ Hewson after she criticised Operation Yewtree confirms that the paedophile panic rips apart rational debate.
Frank Furedi's continued defense of those who would challenge Britain's child sex hysteria.
Federal Ruling Could Change Restrictions for Oklahoma Sex OffendersGoodwin challenged his probationary restrictions that barred him from internet use and won, "I think it's the first step in what may be a trend," added Slane."
Crime and punishment: Juvenile offenders study Russian literature
“Last night, I was sitting on my bed and it all of a sudden hit me: How am I going to be remembered?” Green said. “I sat there for an hour, just looking at my leg, thinking about how I would answer that.”