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Zeitgeist January 2012

by Eric TazelaarPublished: 23 January 2012Updated:

January 23, 2012

Rudi van Dantzig, August 4, 1933 – January 19, 2012

Van Dantzig, a prominent Dutch choreographer whose autobiographical novel, "Voor een verloren soldaat" (For a Lost Soldier), recounted his childhood experiences during wartime and later became a feature film in 1992, starring Jeroen Krabbe and Martin Smit.

The film quickly became a lightening rod for controversy when it was released due to its sympathetic portrayal of a love affair which Rudi had had as a young boy of twelve with a Canadian soldier during World War II.

None of us can ever forget the sweetness and poignancy with which their all-too-short relationship is portrayed in what is, perhaps, the greatest film about man/boy love so far.

Thank you Rudi!

[Note: the Netflix streaming version has been censored].


for a lost soldier

Man released from prison wearing only underwear, shirt and socks

Cracking Teenagers’ Online Codes
“There are lots of places where it’s extraordinarily helpful for kids to talk to adults,” says Dr. Danah Boyd. She's brave.

Federal judge tosses hebephilia as basis for civil detention
A significant win.

Naked Man In La Redoute Children's Clothing Ad Gives Company PR Pain
The French, having adopted Anglo pedo-hysteria, are in an uproar over (adult) nudity in a children's fashion ad.

"Movie paedos abused me at 14!" Dancing on Ice contestant Corey Feldman’s shock confession. Will soon "name names"!
Being abused by "pedos" can launch or revitalize a career. Just ask Oprah!

Child-on-child sex abuse poses complex challenges

" ...more than one-third of the sexual abuse of America's children is committed by other minors."

A society that is unable to make distinctions between adults who force themselves onto kids and those who do not will not be capable in making the same distinctions when both parties are kids. 

And David Finkelhor, one of the chief architects of the child sexual abuse terror, sanctimoniously weighs in, as if he does not share a large degree of responsibility.


Research varies on frequency of false rape reports
Not politically correct. A blow to the victimists.

Dear Customer Who Stuck Up For His Little Brother
The tyranny of family, the kindness of strangers.

Student disciplined after reporting knife at school
What "zero tolerance" looks like.

Gay Filipino Teen Drenched with Boiling Water–By His Own Father
Parental hate crime.

Disability Groups Aghast at Inclusion of Pedophiles and Pyromaniacs on Disability List
Rather than thinking of it as a disability, I prefer to think of it as an "a"-bility; one which not all possess.

Child says she didn't know teacher's touching was 'serious'
Indeed, she enjoyed it. Obviously, she's dangerously confused!

'vigilante' accused of killing a man he thought was a paedophile
Mistakenly murdered a non-paedophile.

Nebraska man wins appeal of sex offender status
This is convoluted: man is accused by 11 year old of sexually abusing him after the boy, himself, had been accused of "molesting" other children. A negotiated plea strikes the "sexual" part of the assault down to a simple 3rd degree assault but the man is then told that he has to register as a sex offender, despite the plea agreement that it was not sexual.

A new method of entrapment

The idea is that a webmaster notices a slew of referrals supposedly from a new website but, when he visits that site to see what it is about, is presented with child porn images. Since he initiated contact with the site, supposedly the
police can charge him with downloading & viewing child porn (since, if you see it in your browser you have technically downloaded it).

There are several defences against this, both technical & legal. The simplest technical defence is to use an anonymizer whenever you don't recognize an address. The next step up is to run a portable version of the browser from a TrueCrypt container on a flash drive. This will leave no traces on your system when the TC container is dismounted.

The legal defences have to do with case law precedents from a number of cases where people have been acquited for unknowingly accessing a website with illegal material and not spending much time there nor explicitly downloading any files from it. The courts don't take kindly to prosecutors trying to win with arguments that have repeatedly lost already.


Hotel home to 24 "molesters"
Ahem... having been forced to live there since they cannot legally live anywhere else. 

School bus drops kids off at sex offender's house
Stupidity and hysteria reign.

Three Leading GOP Presidential Nominees Pledge To Be Tough On Porn
Gingrich, Romney, Sanitorium. Good to know when it comes time to vote. But wait, I thought Romney wasn't a real Christian? I'm so confused...

The US schools with their own police forces
Children have been arrested for possessing cigarettes, wearing "inappropriate" clothes and being late for school.
Just another great reason for keeping your kids out of government schools. Get them out now for their own protection.
"Why is the state criminalising normal childhood behaviour?" It's quite simple, really; they're fascists.

School to Prison Pipeline: Fact Sheet
From New York ACLU, an analysis of how "zero tolerance" has quickly become a mechanism for producing "zero hope".

British Muslim men 'urged death for homosexuals'
Why won't they fall in line and say "death to paedophiles" instead? 

Tainted Saint: Mother Teresa Defended Pedophile Priest
So maybe she wasn't so bad after all!

2 boys, 10, accused of sex assault on Houston bus
They could potentially be sentenced to 40 years!

Little outcry over loss of sex offender list funds
Take a hike, federal government!

Sex offenders gather in trailer parks
Sounds like trailer parks are finally getting some class. Isn't it funny how, even when the villain of the story isn't a sex offender, the story soon becomes about sex offenders, anyway?


January 19, 2012

Horrifying Indiana Murder Shows That The AP Flunks Reporting 101 When it Comes to Former Sex Offenders
As with the Adam Walsh murder several decades ago, the media continues to suggest that "sex offenders" are behind the murders of children even when they are not.

Sex offender on ‘most-wanted’ list was dead for years
Still, that's no excuse!

Police ponder public porn problem
What to do if someone is viewing pornography in a public place? We better come up with some laws, quick!

Legislator Proposes Law Limiting What Jobs Sex Offenders Can Have
He's going out on a high note: "what can I do to make sex offenders more miserable before I retire?"

"Why are Johns Hopkins and Fred Berlin trying to save face?"
That question, posed as it was by the Sex Nazis over at Absolute Zero, is part of their plan to to stifle all dissenting voices in the totalitarian war for sexual repression. Through their use of baiting and scurrilous accusations, they seek to defame anyone not willing to adopt the shrillest of party lines or to hold opinions at odds with their own wildly hysterical agenda.

Juvenile case highlights flaw in Sex Offender Registry
Another 15 year old forced to register as a sex offender despite innocence.

How P.C. Redefines and Distorts the Definition of Child Abuse
Surprise! Government child abuse agencies appear to have no effect in lowering child abuse.

Judge reluctantly sentences severely disabled man to mandatory minimum term for possessing child porn
Mandatory minimum madness.

Collier judge upholds 'Stand Your Ground' stabbing death defense in teen's bus stop bullying
Affirming the right to self-defense.

Assembly may take up N.J. standards for sex offender residency
Reader comments to stories like this are starting to become more informed.

And on that topic....

"Pertinax" further reports on the good and virtuous people of S.N.A.P.

The Railroading of Paul Shanley
And let's remember another victim of S.N.A.P. Accused of helping to found NAMbLA (he didn't) and sentenced to prison with a single, thoroughly discredited witness claiming recovered memory (itself a thoroughly discredited phenomenon) Paul Shanley continues to languish in a Massachusetts prison today, elderly, frail and with no hope of ever emerging from it alive. 

States struggle with national sex offender law
May they continue to stand up to the federal government.

N.J. bill restricting where sex offenders live wouldn't help kids
Is it finally beginning to sink in?

Civil commitment petition against Butner, NC prisoner dismissed
Glimmers of hope?

Cartoons, classics 'can be child porn' under Northern Territory law
Yes, even "classic" cartoons can get you busted in the Northern Territory.


January 16, 2012

Happy (belated) New Year! The holidays put us a bit behind on Zeitgeist, but we will continue providing you with pertinent news stories in 2012!

Paying a Price, Long After the Crime
Rehabilitation, once a principle valued in American justice, is a concept that has all but disappeared from our cultural landscape. Now, any transgression committed at any time in a person's past will forever brand them and permanently diminish their standing in society.

Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Government’s Unconstitutional Assault on Our Freedom to Travel
An ominous trend, attempting to limit international travel of those convicted of crimes, is one which we would be wise to keep a close eye upon.

Phillip Greaves: Author of pedophile's guide busted by thought police
His words did not, in any conceivable way, constitute "child pornography" yet he has been criminally prosecuted as if that were so.

Meridian Florida's Juvenile Justice System Under Investigation
An 8-year-old student in Meridian who had been paddled for talking in class was hauled away in handcuffs when he wouldn't stop crying.

The escalating mistreatment of children at the hands of police gives lie to the contention that society has, as its paramount concern, the protection of children. People who physically and emotionally abuse kids are in the employ of our government and are paid for with our tax dollars. Hit a kid? Receive a paycheck from the taxpayers. Love a kid? Go to prison for the rest of your life!

Registered sex offenders to pay fee
If registration of sex offenders is not "punishment" but "public safety" as its apologists insist, then forcing sex offenders to themselves pay for the "privilege" of registering directly contradicts this contention.

Appeals court: Sex offenders who emigrate must let state know
For those who have contemplated leaving the U.S., please know that Uncle Sam is making it ever more difficult to leave, and not just for registered sex offenders. 

Police irked by the rise of online vigilantism 
"Hey! Only we can pretend to be 12 year old girls online!"

Your Kid Looks At Porn. Now What?
Your kid looks at porn. So what? And this is a problem because...?

“Dear Jesse, I like very young girls.”
Jesse reveals himself to be quite well-informed in his response but, some time later, no doubt after the victimist's outraged shrieks demanding his head for his honest and intelligent non-condemnation of hebephilia, he issues an addendum in which he makes up for his previous sacrilege.

The bogus teen orgy trend
That will, no doubt, come as a huge disappointment to those so keen on decrying teen orgies.

15 Year Old Californian Becomes Youngest To Climb 7 Summits
Just don't give him a blow job. That would be a "peak" experience too far! (much too dangerous!)

Calgary police step up efforts as violence against children rises
The reporter doesn't say how many incidents there were the year before nor do they break it down by category.

A 14 Year Old Sex Offender, 13 years later
Another life flushed down the toilet.

Therapists revolt against psychiatry’s bible
The DSM-5 is coming, but not before an epic battle between competing legions of shrinks. The victors will determine the fate and fortunes for many. 

Laws restrict sex offenders even after jail time
The ACLU is losing the fight in Florida.

Sacramento judge sends man to prison for abusing dog; orders him to register as sex offender
Chihuahuas can rest easier.



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