Letter from a twelve-year-old
Published: 1984Updated:Letter from a twelve-year-old
by The Unicorn

NAMBLA does not lay low on the subject of youth emancipation. NAMBLA supports youth liberation and emancipation. NAMBLA is against the draft, circumcision and clitoridectomy, ageism and other positions pertaining to youth.
NAMBLA, in my view, is a very revolutionary organization. NAMBLA puts out the Bulletin, which is the only magazine of its kind in the U.S. Many NAMBLA members discontinued their sex lives in order to preach the truth about intergenerational sex. NAMBLA members are lovers who seek major changes in the structure of society.
So how could I not support NAMBLA? They are true gay people. They understand that gayness starts at a young age, too. Love comes in all forms, so a relationship should not be deemed wrong unless it is provable that the sex act was unconsensual. I believe in a sexual revolution. To quote Che Guevera, "The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love." Keep up the good work, NAMBLA!
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To the editors of the N.Y.C. NEWS..
Hello! I want to dispel the myth that children do not have the ability to decide what they want to do with their lives. Children are people. Some children have good ideas and others don't. Children are human. Age is an irrelevant factor in the ability to comprehend rationally. There are totally irrational and totally irresponsible adults out in the world.
I am twelve years old. I have been gay from a very young age and I feel that I am as much a gay person as someone walking down Christopher St. or the Castro or any so called gay neighborhood. Some gays do not recognize that a young person could be gay.
I believe in gay liberation. Gay liberation must include all aspects of the sexual freedom struggle. Young gays should be made to feel at home in the gay community. The gay rights lobby denounces the "lunatic fringe" groups (boy lovers, TVs, S&M, etc) to gain a more "respectable" look, and to collect funds from liberal politicians at election time. These actions could destroy the gay liberation struggle by splitting the gay movement. If we are to survive, all froms of gayness must be accepted.
One of the most important lessons you must learn about liberation is that you never sell out to the people oppressing you. The time is here where we must stay by our convictions and be ourselves, in order to show that no matter what they do to us, our ideas will live on in other peoples minds. We must flaunt love and fight oppression.
Changes are not made overnight. In order to change attitudes, we must find a dialogue to communicate with parents and authorities. In my life I just leveled with my mother. At first she didn't know whether I thought I was gay or just experimenting with gayness. She is fully supportive of my decision to be gay. Most parents are not like this, though.
I am gay. I am proud. Please be supportive of young gays. It's hard enough for adults to be gay. It is almost impossible for a gay boy to have a good healthy open relationship because of the atmosphere of the community towards youth. I accept all. You should too.
Yours in the struggle for liberation,
The Unicorn
Letters should be addressed to: The Unicorn, c/o NAMBLA-WWW, P.O. Box 174, Midtown Station, NYC 10018. Outstanding letters will be reprinted in the NAMBLA Bulletin. There will be no personal replies.
from The NAMBLA Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 6 (July/Aug., 1984), Pg. 10.