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If This Will Not Make Your Blood Boil, What Will?

by Peter HermanPublished: 25 December 2020Updated:

Ali Kiwani — 8-years-old

If This Will Not Make Your Blood Boil, What Will?

by Peter Herman
December 25, 2020

Caress a boy with his consent through his clothing but in the wrong place, you will go to prison for a long time, perhaps for life. If not for life, you will be on a sex offender registry for life. Ditto if you download a picture of a stiff penis belonging to a boy of the wrong age. Shoot an eight-year-old boy, spilling his brains over the car in which he was innocently riding, and Trump will pardon you. The other boy was only eleven.

This was the case for four Blackwater guards who were convicted by US courts for killing 17 Iraqi civilians, including the two young boys. The crime was so egregious that a life sentence had been given to one of the guards, but Trump thought otherwise.

Just under half of the electorate voted for this excuse of a human being. Do they think that murdering children is OK?


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